Epistémologie de la recherche et méthodes qualitatives

lopes21812  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Epistémologie de la recherche et méthodes qualitatives
6.00 credits
30.0 h + 10.0 h

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

Main themes
  • The process of a research project construction :
  • detachment and research position
  • qualitative methodology specificity within the economic and social politics field
  • methodological techniques : semi-structured interview, observation techniques, case studies, (life-)narrative inquiries.
The course focuses on the social science research process and associated qualitative data collection techniques : an overview of methods and different epistemologies and types of reasoning behind them (e.g. inductive/deductive).
Teaching methods
The courses will be given face-to-face. Lectures by the teacher will alternate with time for individual and group work (exercises, analysis of texts). A teaching contract is communicated to students at the beginning of the course and posted on Moodle. It contains a detailed schedule, content and instructions for the assessments.
Evaluation methods
The assessment will be based on the oral defense, in class and in group, of a collective written work. Precise instructions are given at the beginning of the course in the teaching contract. In the case of a second session, the instructions are identical. For both sessions, the assessment language is French.
Other information
This activity takes place according to pedagogical, timetable and organisational modalities adapted to the specific public of the FOPES. We refer students to the teaching contract.
Online resources
Course material and information on the course Moodle site and/or in the teaching contract.
Des repères bibliographiques sont disponibles dans le support du cours (Powerpoint) et en annexe du contrat pédagogique.
Teaching materials
  • L'ouvrage Manuel de recherche en sciences sociales (6ème édition) de J. Marquet, L. Van Campenhoudt et R. Quivy (Ed. Dunod, Paris, 2022) servira de référence.
  • Un support Powerpoint ainsi que des textes seront déposés sur Moodle au fur et à mesure de l’évolution des séances.
  • Les slides gagnent bien évidemment à être complétés par les notes personnelles de cours.
  • Une lecture est obligatoire : Lemieux C., 2010, « Problématiser » in Paugam S. (dir.), L’enquête sociologique, Paris, P.U.F., pp. 27-51.
Faculty or entity