Geographic modelling

lgeo2130  2017-2018  Louvain-la-Neuve

Geographic modelling
5 crédits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Deleersnijder Eric; Vanwambeke Sophie;
Elementary calculus and statistics
Thèmes abordés
At the end of this course, the students will be able to:
·       Identify and characterize a model and understand the mathematics of a process-based model;
·       Translate a physical, environmental and/or spatial process into mathematical language;
·       Grasp all steps of a modelling process, from the statement of a question to the validation of results;
·       Start engaging with professionals of environmental modelling and management in various settings.
Contribution to the acquisition and evaluation of the following learning outcomes of the programme in geography (general and climatology):
·       AA 1.1, AA 1.2, AA 1.4, AA 1.6, and particularly AA.1.7 and AA 1.8
·       AA 3.3, AA 3.4
·       AA 4.1, AA 4.2
·       AA 5.5
·       AA 6.1, 6.2
Most importantly, these learning outcomes are central to this course:
·       AA 4.3, AA 4.4, AA 4.5
The course includes two parts. The first half focuses on differential models. The  second half looks into spatial modelling and modelling practice. The course starts by a general introduction on modelling.
The following topics are dealt with:
·       How to model? The various steps of modelling;
·       Typology of models;
·       Differential models: linear ordinary differential problems (e.g. first order decay);
·       Differential models: non-linear ordinary differential problems (e.g. population modelling, prey-predator populations, epidemiological model);
·       Differential models: space-time dependency;
·       Spatial models: making space explicit, self-organising systems (e.g. epidemic diffusion, erosion processes);
·       Spatial models: interacting, spatially-explicit objects: agent-based models (e.g. land use change)
How to model? Model validation.
Méthodes d'enseignement
Classroom lectures and practical sessions, involving active learning methods.
All lectures are in English. The course material and practical notes are in English and French "
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
Homeworks and practical reports; written exam.
en ligne
Slides, lecture notes and additional reading material on Moodle (
Although none of them is mandatory reading, the following books are useful sources of information:
Mulligan M., Wainwright J., 2004, Modelling and model building, In: Environmental modelling. Finding Simplicity in Complexity, Wainwright J., Mulligan M. (eds.). Chichester: Wiley.
Smith J., Smith P., 2007, Environmental modelling. An Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Kot M; 2001, Elements of Mathematical Ecology, Cambridge University Press
Faculté ou entité
en charge

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Intitulé du programme
Master [120] : bioingénieur en gestion des forêts et des espaces naturels

Master [120] : bioingénieur en sciences agronomiques

Master [60] en sciences géographiques, orientation générale

Master [120] : bioingénieur en chimie et bioindustries

Master [120] en sciences géographiques, orientation générale

Master [120] : bioingénieur en sciences et technologies de l'environnement

Master [120] en sciences agronomiques et industries du vivant