Contemporary Issues in Human Resources Management

llsms2074  2019-2020  Louvain-la-Neuve

Contemporary Issues in Human Resources Management
Note du 29 juin 2020
Sans connaitre encore le temps que dureront les mesures de distances sociales liées à la pandémie de Covid-19, et quels que soient les changements qui ont dû être opérés dans l’évaluation de la session de juin 2020 par rapport à ce que prévoit la présente fiche descriptive, de nouvelles modalités d’évaluation des unités d’enseignement peuvent encore être adoptées par l’enseignant ; des précisions sur ces modalités ont été -ou seront-communiquées par les enseignant·es aux étudiant·es dans les plus brefs délais.
5 crédits
30.0 h
Antoine Marie (coordinateur); Bonny Gaëtan; Depaepe Philippe;
Basic notions in HRM and organizational psychology
Thèmes abordés
This course aims at presenting contemporary issues related to human resources management, both theoretically and practically, and to discuss them, as well as challenges and issues related to the implementation of specific practices. The theme of the course changes yearly.
In 2019-2020, this seminar will focus on new ways of working, and its multiple dimensions, such as new forms of management, new forms of work organization, spatio-temporal practices, ICT in organization, etc. More specifically, issues studied will be about skills evolution, style of management, and issues related to data (HR analytics, big data).

A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de :

1 Having regard to the LO of the programme X, this activity contributes to the development and acquisition of the following LO:
  • Corporate citizenship: The habit of acting consciously, aware of one’s responsibilities, placing human and ethical considerations at the very heart of one’s thinking and actions.
  • Knowledge and reasoning: The active and integrated mastery of a multidisciplinary body of knowledge (content, methods, models and conceptual frameworks) as a basis for acting with expertise in the various areas of management.
  • A scientific and systematic approach: The ability to analyse and resolve problems in multidisciplinary and complex management situations using a scientific and systematic approach.

La contribution de cette UE au développement et à la maîtrise des compétences et acquis du (des) programme(s) est accessible à la fin de cette fiche, dans la partie « Programmes/formations proposant cette unité d’enseignement (UE) ».
This course aims at presenting contemporary issues related to human resources management, both theoretically and practically, and to discuss them, as well as challenges and issues related to the implementation of specific practices.
Méthodes d'enseignement
The course is based on :
  • Ex cathedra lessons ;
  • Class debates and case studies ;
  • A group work.
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
Evaluation of the course is based on a written group work. In group of 6 to 8 students max (depending on class composition), each group will have to to do a report on a contemporary HR practice, based on existing literature review, critical thinking, and interviews with HR expert(s). This research will be presented during one of the last sessions of the course. During the first session, teachers will explain the modalities of this work.
Students will be collected evaluated based on following criteria :
  1. Originality of the topic
  2. Relevant literature review
  3. Quality and deepness of the analysis
  4. Critical thinking regarding the chosen practice
  5. Quality of the work form (orthograph, etc.)
Continuous evaluation
  • Date: 26/03 to 15/05
  • Type of evaluation: Group report
  • Comments:
Evaluation week
  • Oral: No
  • Written: No
  • Unavailability or comments:
Examination session
  • Oral: No
  • Written: No
  • Unavailability or comments:
en ligne
See moodle
PowerPoint presentations and resources on Moodle
Support de cours
  • code LLSMS2074
Faculté ou entité
en charge

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Intitulé du programme
Master [120] en gestion des ressources humaines

Master [120] en sciences psychologiques

Master [120] en sciences de gestion

Master [120] en sciences de gestion