Managing Brand Equity

llsms2021  2021-2022  Louvain-la-Neuve

Managing Brand Equity
5.00 crédits
30.0 h
Jupsin Thierry (supplée Swaen Valérie); Swaen Valérie;
1 basic marketing course
Thèmes abordés
Do you want to understand what a brand is and how to build one?
Are you interested to know why some companies are successful and why some fail?
Are you ready to jump in the life of a Brand Manager?
The students will learn how to manage brands in today's digital environment. The students will first review the key models evaluating the brand equity from a consumer point of view. They will then understand how new consumers' behaviors can influence brand management. They will finally learn key brand strategies that can be leveraged to create and develop strong brands, using all the new digital tools available.
This will be achieved through lectures, conferences by professionals and brand challenges given by professionals

A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de :

During their programme, students of the LSM Master's in management or Master's in Business engineering will have developed the following capabilities'
-        Knowledge and reasoning
-        Project management
-        Communication and interpersonal skills
-        Leadership and team work
At the end of the course, the students should be able to :
  • Master all the concepts and models related to brand equity, brand identity and brand image
  • Understand how the digital environment affects the management of brands
  • Master all new marketing techniques that can help better engage the consumers towards the brands. (use of communities, Customized products, experiental marketing, content marketing etc).
  • Develop a complete marketing plan using on-line and off-line marketing tools to grow the brand
The different topics that will be covered in this course are the following ones:
  • Brands and brand management
  • Developing a brand strategy
  • Designing and implementing brand marketing programs
  • Growing and sustaining brand equity
Brands will be analyzed in different business sectors such as fast-moving consumer goods, luxury goods and fashion goods, on local and international markets.
Several conferences will be organized with practitioners.
Méthodes d'enseignement
Lectures, case studies, conferences , videos and a brand project linked to a real company problem.
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
1. Continuous assessment (40%)
Group work to hand out during Q1P2 (30%) and Quiz on conference content (10%).
2. Examination in session (60%)
January: Writing on the whole course material 
If one part of the evaluation process is not completed, students won’t have respected the course requirements and will get a 0 for the specific part.
THEREFORE this is compulsory:
  • To attend the conferences and to answer the related quizzes
  • To present group projects
  • To attend the individual exam
Second session (August):
If students fail the course in the first session, they will only be evaluated in the second session via an individual exam (written or oral exam). Students don’t have the opportunity to represent the team work and quizzes in the second session, and keep the grade attributed for these parts in the first session.
  • Keller, K.L. (2013), Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity, 4th edition, Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd.
  • Kevin Lane Keller – Strategic brand management, Pearson, 4th edition
    Additional references on the topic  will be communicated later to the students
Support de cours
  • Keller, K.L. (2013), Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity, 4th edition, Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd.
Faculté ou entité
en charge

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Intitulé du programme
Master [60] en sciences de gestion

Master [120] en sciences de gestion

Master [120] en sciences de gestion

Master [120] en communication