5.00 crédits
30.0 h
Bailleux Antoine; Brachotte Sandrine (supplée Bailleux Antoine);
A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de : | |
A l’issue de l’enseignement, l’étudiant devrait avoir acquis - une connaissance générale des courants majeurs de théorie du droit ainsi que des grands enjeux autour desquels se cristallisent leurs différends; - la capacité à relier ce bagage théorique à des cas pratiques, concrets, issus du droit positif le plus contemporain; - l’aptitude à développer, à partir de cet enseignement théorique nourri de la pratique, une réflexion critique sur le droit, ses évolutions, ses présupposés, et les attentes dont il est investi. |
I. Law as a Neutral Order (“the legal order”)
1. Law as a rational system
a. The scientific ambition (rationality and objectivity) – Discovering the law
b. The systemic project - Designing the law
2. The lawyer, a scientist and a State’s servant
a. The “doctrine”, a scientific knowledge
b. The lawyer (avocat), a judicial auxiliary serving the system
II. The Legal Imposture
1. Law as Power, Inequality, and Disorder
a. Law as power and inequality
b. Law as disorder
2. The lawyer, an actor of (counter-)power
a. From the Panama papers…
b. …passing by Transnational Human Rights Litigation…
c. … to the barefoot lawyer (Chen Guangcheng)
III. Law as a Social Phenomenon
1. Law as a socially constructed practice
a. Law as a practice
b. Law as a social construct
2. The lawyer, her « genius » and her training
a. The "legal genius": the myth and the craftsman
b. What training, then?
Epilogue: “le dernier jugement”
I. Law as a Neutral Order (“the legal order”)
1. Law as a rational system
a. The scientific ambition (rationality and objectivity) – Discovering the law
b. The systemic project - Designing the law
2. The lawyer, a scientist and a State’s servant
a. The “doctrine”, a scientific knowledge
b. The lawyer (avocat), a judicial auxiliary serving the system
II. The Legal Imposture
1. Law as Power, Inequality, and Disorder
a. Law as power and inequality
b. Law as disorder
2. The lawyer, an actor of (counter-)power
a. From the Panama papers…
b. …passing by Transnational Human Rights Litigation…
c. … to the barefoot lawyer (Chen Guangcheng)
III. Law as a Social Phenomenon
1. Law as a socially constructed practice
a. Law as a practice
b. Law as a social construct
2. The lawyer, her « genius » and her training
a. The "legal genius": the myth and the craftsman
b. What training, then?
Epilogue: “le dernier jugement”
Méthodes d'enseignement
Cours magistral
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
des acquis des étudiants
Examen écrit visant à tester à la fois les connaissances de l’étudiant (esprit de synthèse et esprit d’analyse) et ses capacités de réflexion critique.
Faculté ou entité
en charge
en charge