Regional Economy

lecge1228  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Regional Economy
5.00 crédits
30.0 h + 10.0 h
Gomes Joseph;

A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de :

1 Les villes, dont les frontières économiques s'étendent bien au-delà de leur limite administrative, jouent un rôle central dans les économies modernes. Partant, l'objectif de ce cours est d'introduire les étudiants aux principes économiques de base permettant d'expliquer, d'une part, la formation des villes et, d'autre part, la répartition des activités (logement, services, transport, emplois) au sein de celles-ci. Pour cela, on mobilisera simultanément les outils de la microéconomie et l'histoire économique. Dans la mesure où les emplois sont prioritairement localisés en milieu urbain, l'étude des systèmes urbains permettra d'aborder les questions régionales. Un bref panorama des économies régionales européennes sera ensuite présenté. Enfin, on terminera en étudiant les évolutions les plus récentes qui mettent à jour une structuration nouvelle des espaces, à savoir la péri-urbanisation.
This course offers an introduction to the theory (and empirics) of urban and regional economics. Examples of topics covered include: urbanization, demographic transition, decentralization, space regional and spatial inequalities, the role of economic geography and historical accidents in explaining inequalities, space and economic costs, agglomeration economies, and new economic geography models.
Méthodes d'enseignement
The course will take the form of lectures that will cover theoretical and empirical aspects of the course. The professor will subsequently share all the lecture notes and slides with the students.
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
The evaluation is based on two components: A homework and a final exam. Each component counts for 50% of the final grade.
- Homework (50%): Students will be required to submit a 4 to 5 page essay on a topic (to be chosen from among two or three choices that will be provided by the professor). A non-exhaustive bibliography will be made available on Moodle. Topics will be made available in February and the deadline for submission will be towards the end of April (usually April 21,  to be confirmed by Professor in the first session).
There is no second session for the homework assignment: any homework not submitted will be awarded a grade of 0, which will be maintained in the second session!
- Final exam (50%): The final exam in June will be a written exam that will include a set of questions aimed at verifying that the main concepts of the course have been assimilated by the students.
Students will be allowed to do the written exam a second time in August. The final grade  in the August session will be the higher among the following two options:
-        Final August exam will count for 100% of the final marks
-        Final August exam will count 50% of the final marks with the other 50% based on the homework (submitted previously).
Students will have the option of submitting the homework only once respecting the pre-specified deadline (usually 21 April).
Autres infos
Course pre-requisites: Students are expected to have successfully acquired the fundamental concepts of Microeconomics and be able to use them to study new issues.
There is no specific reference manual for this course. The professor will provide lecture notes in addition to references that can aid a deeper understanding of the issues.
Faculté ou entité
en charge

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Intitulé du programme
Mineure d'accès au master en économie

Mineure en économie (ouverture)

Master [60] en sciences géographiques, orientation générale

Approfondissement en économie

Bachelier en sciences philosophique, politique et économique

Approfondissement en sciences géographiques

Mineure en géographie

Approfondissement 'Principes de maîtrise de l'actualité'

Master [120] en sciences géographiques, orientation générale