Introduction aux sciences du langage - MOOC

lfial1530a  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Introduction aux sciences du langage - MOOC
5.00 crédits
30.0 h
Q1 ou Q2

  Cette unité d’enseignement n’est pas accessible aux étudiants d’échange !

Hambye Philippe; Simon Anne-Catherine;
Thèmes abordés
  • La spécificité du langage humain par rapport aux autres systèmes de communication ;
  • Les différents niveaux de l'analyse linguistique (phonétiquephonologie, morphologie et lexique, syntaxe, pragmatique) ;
  • Les universaux du langage et la diversité des langues.
  • Week 1 - Introduction to Linguistics: why do (almost) all human beings have a language, and what makes human language different from animal communication systems?
  • Week 2 - The study of sound: Phonology and Phonetics: In this module we will delve into what appear to be the smallest building blocks of spoken language: 'sounds'.
  • Week 3 - The study of words and sentences: Morphology and Syntax: In this module we will discuss words and sentences.
  • Week 4 - The study of meaning: Pragmatics and Semantics: This module deals with a topic which many of you find very interesting: meaning. How do we determine what a word means? To what extent does our language influence our thinking?
  • Week 5 - Language in the Brain: This module features all of the well-known parts of the current MOOC.
  • Week 6 - Language in the Society: In the previous modules we have dissected the structure of languages, but now we will study language in its real context: how does language change? How do people use language to be polite?
Méthodes d'enseignement
In order to gain the credits associated to this course, students will:
  • follow at their own pace the MOOC available at
  • by the end of the term, send a short report on their learning achievements, identifying, for each chapter of the MOOC, (a) 3 concepts they've learned and for which they will propose a definition and explain why they consider them as important for the understanding of language (b) an concrete example / observation  of language use they've found particularly illuminating or thought-provoking.
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
Course evaluation will be based on the report sent by the students at the latest during the last week of courses (S13)
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