Corporate Strategy in Europe

llsms2061  2017-2018  Louvain-la-Neuve

Corporate Strategy in Europe
5 credits
30.0 h
Bascle Guilhem; Paque Bernard (compensates Bascle Guilhem);
Stratégie d'entreprise (LECGE1315)
Main themes
The objective of this course is to deepen students' knowledge of key topics they have previously learnt in strategic management. Specifically, students will learn the set of strategic decisions that foster value creation or destruction through the coordination and configuration of a firm's presence in two or more businesses within Europe, and the modes of developments a firm has at its disposal to grow outside its national market, within Europe or globally.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

  1. Agir en acteur socialement responsable
  2. Maîtriser des savoirs
  3. Appliquer une démarche scientifique
  4. Travailler en équipe


At the end of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. have deepened their understanding of some of the most vital analytical tools, methods and frameworks that can be used to formulate, implement and evaluate the corporate strategy of a firm operating in a Europe;
  2. understand how managers should manage the presence of their firm in multiple businesses and how they should coordinate and configure the European activities of their firm to increase its overall value;
  3. be able to understand how managers of firms operating in Europe should grow their company, with an appropriate mode of development, to successfully enter in a new business and/or country.

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
Students will learn the set of strategic decisions that foster value creation or destruction through the coordination and configuration of a firm's presence in two or more businesses within Europe, and the modes of developments a firm has at its disposal to grow outside its national market, within Europe or globally.
Teaching methods
  • Mandatory readings
  • Class lectures related to mandatory readings
  • Case study
  • Group project
Evaluation methods
Continuous evaluation
  • Date:
  • Type of evaluation:
  • Comments:
Evaluation week
  • Oral:
  • Written:
  • Unavailability or comments:
Examination session
  • Oral:
  • Written:
  • Unavailability or comments:
Online resources
Lecture slides:
Computer-projected overhead lecture slides will be posted on Moodle before the class.
  • Barney, J. B., & Hesterly, W. S. 2015. Strategic management and competitive advantage (5 ed.). Pearson.
  • FitzRoy, P., Hulbert, J., & Ghobadian, A. 2012. Strategic management: The challenge of creating value (2 ed.). Routledge.
  • Grant, R. M. 2013. Contemporary strategy analysis (8 ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Hill, C. W. L., Jones, G. R., & Schilling, M. A. 2014. Strategic management theory: An integrated approach (11 ed.). South-Western College.
  • Hoskisson, R. E., & Hitt, M. A. 1994. Downscoping: How to tame the diversified firm. Oxford University Press.
  • Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, D., & Regnér, P. 2014. Exploring strategy (10 ed.). Prentice Hall.
  • Thompson, A. A., Peteraf, M. A., Gamble, J. E., & Strickland, A. J. 2016. Crafting & executing strategy: The quest for competitive advantage (20 ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [120] in Multilingual Communication

Master [120] in Management

Master [120] in Management