Phonology and Prosody

lclig2210  2020-2021  Louvain-la-Neuve

Phonology and Prosody
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information below is subject to change, in particular that concerning the teaching mode (presential, distance or in a comodal or hybrid format).
5 credits
30.0 h
Simon Anne-Catherine;
Main themes
Familiarize students with prosody theories, and more specifically French prosody. The course will address three main issues: prosodic corpus annotation (perceptual and automatic); relation forms-functions; interpretation of prosody within corpora.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 By the end of the course,
  • students will be familiar with the main theories and annotation tools in prosody, and able to apply them to a small excerpt of speech.
  • The students will be able to read scientific articles in the domain critically
  • and to apply some of the research methods to carry out a small scale personal research project.
The following topics are discussed:
  • Parameters, domains and functions of prosody;
  • Accentuation, intonation (and register), rhythm;
  • Temporal variables (including disfluencies);
  • Prosody, iconicity and phonostylistics.
For each topic, the syllabus presents theoretical notions and several methods of analysis (manual or automatic).
Teaching methods

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.

The course is given in flipped classroom.
  • at home: reading the chapters of the syllabus; weekly homework; preparation of personal presentation
  • in class: discussions, practical exercises and tutoring on analysis software (Praat)
Evaluation methods

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the information in this section is particularly likely to change.

In the June session, the final grade is based on continuous assessment (20%), a perception test (10%) and the presentation of a personal work (70%). In the September session, the final grade is based solely on the presentation of a personal work.
Other information
Musical practice is an asset for this course.
Online resources
Website (sound examples analyzed during the course): (go to the EXEMPLES section)
Teaching materials
  • Exercices auditifs d’après William A. Smalley "Manual of Articulatory Phonetics" (1964) (livret imprimé disponible à la DUC)
  • Simon, A.C. (2020). Phonologie et prosodie. Louvain-la-Neuve: DUC.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [120] in Linguistics

Master [120] in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures

Master [60] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General

Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General

Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : German, Dutch and English

Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : French as a Foreign Language

Master [60] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General

Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General