Introduction to systems analysis

lbir1351  2021-2022  Louvain-la-Neuve

Introduction to systems analysis
3.00 credits
10.0 h + 20.0 h
Baret Philippe;
LBIR1271  Projet intégré en info et math appliquées

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
Systems analysis: definition, theory and background. Conceptual bases for modeling applied to systems analysis. Designing models for systems analysis: defining objectives, identifying hypotheses, mathematical formulation, programming, parameter estimation, and assessment of the model. Systems analysis examples will initially address different global issues, but a particular focus will be given to the problem food security as an illustratory example throughout the course.
Other, different modeling exercises/ projects will be carried out on computers based on a specific modeling tool (Simulink), in order to address different problems/ challenges in the areas of agronomical, biological and environmental engineering.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 a. Contribution of instruction with regards to the referential of leaning outcomes
B2.2, B2.3., B3.2., B3.3, B4.4.
b . Specific formulation for this activity AA program (maximum 10)
At the end of this activity, the student is able to:
' Understand key steps underlying the modeling work necessary for carrying out the systems analysis and distinguish key differences with a reductionist approach.
' Utilize a systemic approach to effectively address issues dealing with a biological, agronomical and environmental challenges/ problems.
The course consists of four introductory sessions (8 hrs) which aim is to familiarize the student with key concepts underlying systems analysis. Another segment of the course (20hrs) will be entirely dedicated to modeling exercises/ projects with the aim of helping the student develop key and basic skills in modeling applied to systems analysis.
Teaching methods
Instructions in a teaching room.
Evaluation methods
Written exam and a programming exam.
Online resources
Le cours ne fait appel à aucun support particulier qui serait payant et jugé obligatoire. Les ouvrages payants qui seraient éventuellement recommandés le sont à titre facultatif.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Geography : General

Master [120] in Philosophy

Bachelor in Bioengineering

Master [120] in Ethics

Minor in Development and Environment

Interdisciplinary Advanced Master in Science and Management of the Environment and Sustainable Development

Master [120] in Environmental Science and Management