Advanced dutch language skills I

lgerm1337  2021-2022  Louvain-la-Neuve

Advanced dutch language skills I
5.00 credits
45.0 h + 30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Degand Elisabeth;
Level B2 of the Common Europea Framework of Reference for Languages

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
Productive and receptive skills in Dutch, both oral and written; understanding of the theoretical concepts linked to "taalvaardigheid" (language skills) and « taalbeheersing » (language in use).
Focus of attention will be on the language skills needed in the course of the academic curriculum in Dutch (linguistics and litterature):
(linguistique et littérature) :
-- analysis of varied types of discourse, including academic discourse
- oral and written argumentation ;
-- relevant reading strategies ;
-- discursive skills (conversational, discourse cohesion)
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 To acquire advanced skills (B2 level - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ).
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Receptive skills:
  • understand the main ideas of propositionally and linguistically complex speech on both everyday life and academic concrete, abstract, cultural and literary topics delivered in a standard language, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization
  • follow extended speech and complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar, and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by explicit markers.
  • follow the essentials of lectures, talks and reports and other forms of academic/professional/cultural/literary presentation which are propositionally and linguistically complex
  • read with a large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes, and using appropriate reference sources selectively
  • apply reading strategies adequately according to specific reading goals.
  • recognize language varieties in the Dutch linguistic area
Productive skills:
  • describe and give detailed presentation on any topic of interest, developing main and secondary ideas ;
  • digress spontaneously from a prepared discourse to interact fluently with the interlocutors on matters raised in the course of speech;
  • use the language with ease, correction and efficiency in a wide range of topics.
In writing, the language used will be grammatically and lexically correct and rich;
  • the topics will cover a wide range of subjects, and will be structured relying on diverse sources of information;
  • texts will be written in lne with the constraints of the genre and register at stake.
Introduction: Explicitation of receptive and productive skills level to reach
Theory: (psycholinguistic) foundation of reading processes and vocabulary learning; aspects of language competence ("taalbeheersing"), text typology, language registers, reading strategies, writing strategies, special focus will be on the sociolinguistic and geolinguistic aspects explaining Dutch as a pluricentric language. Diachronic aspects concerning the evolution of the Dutch language will introduce the students to notions of diachronic linguistics.

Exercises: Applying reading techniques and reading strategies to various text types. Training in writing competence (summarization, factual re-writing), in class discussion of writing process MOOC.
Teaching methods
Classes will alternate theory and exercises. Active participation from students is required, both for the exercises and the theoretical sessions (« flipped classroom»). Regular evaluation will monitor progress of the students-skills towards reaching level B2+ in productive skills and C1 in receptive skills.
Oral proficiency will be trained through participation in the TANDEM project with KULeuven.
Evaluation methods
Continuous assessment: 30%, this part of the assessment is acquired throughout the course (comprehension and production tasks to be accomplished). Participation in the Tandem project is part of the continuous assessment. Repass is not possible for this part.
Partial written exam in January: covering the vocabulary of the book van Loo et al. Thematische woordenschat. Part of the exam score is acquired during regular pre-tests which take place during the first term (2 points out of 20). This partial exam takes 10% of the final mark. In the event of failure, the subject must be represented in June (separate exam).
Exam at the end of the academic year:
Oral part: Oral examination on the theoretical points relating to the variation of Dutch in synchrony and diachrony. Oral competence of the language is also taken into account in the assessment. This part accounts for 20% of the final mark;
written part (40%): writing exercise on one of the topics seen in class and specific exercises assessing grammatical and lexical proficiency, reading comprehension exercises assessing skills in reading strategies and mastery of analysis tools. The evaluation criteria for mastery of the linguistic code adopted during the year (evaluation grids made available to students) apply during the exam.
If the student fails for their final exam (June), he/she presents all parts except the continuous evaluation which can not be repeated.
Portfolio d'articles et textes disponibles sur Moodle.
Exercices en ligne

"Thematische woordenschat Nederlands voor anderstaligen" (Loo, van e.a., Intertaal, 2013)
Teaching materials
  • LGERM1337 Portfolio teksten en oefeningen
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : General

Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures: German, Dutch and English

Minor in Dutch Studies