Language, Culture, Translation and Interpreting - Dutch

llsti2130  2021-2022  Louvain-la-Neuve

Language, Culture, Translation and Interpreting - Dutch
4.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Colson Jean-Pierre (coordinator); Fromont Audrey; Vrancx Marlène;
This teaching unit will address different themes, such as:
·         The contemporary history and political systems of the countries studied,
·         Specific aspects of Dutch of interest to a translator or interpreter working into French;
·         Implicit cultural, historical or political references present in a text to be translated, 
·         The historical connexions between translation and culture, 
Writing and speaking skills in Dutch from a transversal perspective.
See Main themes.
This course is made up of two parts: Language and Culture.
In the 'Language' section, the main characteristics of the Dutch language (including its historical origins) are discussed. Using texts, students will also observe the linguistic specificities of Dutch, in a contrastive approach.
In the 'Culture' section, various themes relating to the culture, language, society and politics of the Netherlands and Flanders are covered, with the aim of enabling future translators to gain a better understanding of the current situation and to be able to translate all texts containing implicit or explicit references to these elements more easily.
Teaching methods
The course (face-to-face or online) is based on concrete examples borrowed from Dutch and Flemish culture and society. Students are invited to read articles and to take an active part in the course. Course attendance is mandatory.
Evaluation methods
The two parts of the course are equally weighted, i.e. 50% for the "Language" part and 50% for the "Culture" part.
Language part:
  •     Oral presentation during the year (12.5% of the mark awarded to the "Language" part)
  •     Written exam in June
Culture part:
  •     Oral presentation during the year (50% of the mark awarded to the "Culture" part). The practical details of this presentation will be specified during the first course and published on the Moodle platform;
  •     Written exam in June (50% of the mark attributed to the "Culture" part).
August/September session: the entire grade is based on a written exam.
In the event of unjustified absence from one of the parts, all parts must be represented at the August/September session
Other information
Online resources
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Interpreting

Master [120] in Translation