Architecture, town and territory: modes of production

ltarc1340  2021-2022  Tournai

Architecture, town and territory: modes of production
3.00 credits
30.0 h
Grosjean Benedicte;
Main themes
  1. Introduction to the theories and trends in thinking in town planning: role of methods and tools in the  production of urban structures and configurations
  2. Study of the development of urban morphologies in their political, economic and social contexts
  3. Introduction to the critical analysis of the political issues involved in urban projects and their methods of  production
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Specific learning outcomes:
By the end of this teaching unit, students will be able to
  • logically place, in time and space, representative town developments.
  • explain the meaning of an urban structure by putting it back in context, namely by understanding the whys and wherefores which shaped it.
  • make the link between town planning and the political, economic and social organisation of society.
  • learn to pay close attention to the issues involved in the forms and uses of public space.
  • analyse the operational natural of urban projects on the morphological development of the city and on its technical/economic, social/political and aesthetic/cultural context.
  • be familiar with the features of the main methods and tools of town planning; understand their basis, aims and limits.
  • to form a critical approach to contemporary urban development.
Contribution to the learning outcome reference framework:
Place the action
  • Recognise, observe and describe the targeted environments and contexts
  • Analyse the environments and contexts according to various given methods and starting from various identified points of view
  • Formulate questions relating to the development of the context being studied to make working hypotheses
Make use of other subjects
  • Seek out other approaches, exchanges of views and ways of enhancing thinking about architecture
Make committed choices
  • Develop awareness of the political meaning of the work of an architect and his/her responsibility towards society
AYMONINO Carlo, Il significato delle città, Venezia : Marsilio, 2000 (1e éd. 1975).
BAIROCH Paul, De Jéricho à Mexico. Villes et économie dans l'Histoire, Paris : Gallimard, 1985.
BENEVOLO Leonardo, Histoire de la ville, Marseille : Parenthèses, 1983 (1e éd. 1973).
CLAUDE Viviane, Faire la ville, les métiers de l'urbanisme au 20e siècle, Marseille : éd. Parenthèses, 2006.
COHEN Jean-Louis, LORTIE André, Des fortifs au périph'. Paris : les seuils de la ville, Paris : Picard, 1992.
GAUDIN Patrick, L'avenir en plan. Technique et politique dans la prévision urbaine, 1900-1930, Seyssel : Champ Vallon, 1985.
GROSJEAN Bénédicte, Urbanisation sans urbanisme, une histoire de la ville diffuse, Wavre : Mardaga, 2010.
GRUEN Victor: The heart of our cities: The urban crisis: diagnosis and cure, London : Thames and Hudson, 1965.
GUILLERME André, Les temps de l'eau. La cité, l'eau et les techniques. Nord de la France. Fin IIIe – début XIXe siècle, Seyssel : Champ Vallon, 1983, 259p.
HOWARD Ebenezer, Garden Cities of To-Morrow, London : Faber and Faber Ltd, 1965 (1e éds. 1898 - 1902).
LE CORBUSIER, Urbanisme, Paris : Flammarion, 2011 (1e éd. 1925).
LEPETIT Bernard, PUMAIN Denise (dirs.), Temporalités urbaines, Paris : Anthropos, 1993.
LUCAN Jacques et al., Paris des faubourgs. Formation, transformation, Paris : Picard, 1996, 221p.
MAGRI Susanna, TOPALOV Christian, Villes ouvrières. 1900-1950, Paris : l'Harmattan, 1989, p.93-107.
MANGIN David, PANERAI Philippe, Projet urbain, Marseille : éd. Parenthèses, 1999.
MERLIN Pierre, Les villes nouvelles, Paris : PUF, 1972.
MURATORI Saverio, Studi per una operante storia urbana di Venezia, Roma : Instituto Poligrafico dello Stato, 1959.
RASMUSSEN Steen Eiler, Londres, Paris : Picard, 1990 (1e éd. 1934).
REMY, Jean, La ville phénomène économique, Bruxelles : Editions Vie ouvrière, 1966.
RONCAYOLO Marcel, Lectures de villes. Formes et temps, Marseille : Parenthèses, 2002.
SECCHI Bernardo, Prima lezione di urbanistica, Roma / Bari : Ed. Laterza, 2000.
SMETS Marcel, L'avènement de la cité jardin en Belgique. Histoire de l'habitat social en Belgique de 1830 à 1930, Liège : Mardaga, 1977, 223p.
UNWIN Raymond, L'étude pratique des plans de villes. Introduction à l'art de dessiner les plans d'aménagement et d'extension, Paris : l'Equerre, 1981 (1e éd. 1909).
Van ESTEREN Cornelius, The Idea Of The Functional City, Rotterdam : NAI, 1998 (1e éd. 1928).
VANDERVELDE Emile, Les villes tentaculaires, Paris : éd. Bellais, 1899.
WAGNER Otto, “Die GrossStadt” in : Architecture Moderne et autres écrits, Liège : Mardaga, 1984 (1e éd. 1910), pp. 83-97.
WEBER Max, La ville, Paris : Aubier Montaigne, 1982 (1921).
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Architecture (Tournai)