Hieroglyphic Egyptian II

lglor1620  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Hieroglyphic Egyptian II
5.00 credits
15.0 h + 15.0 h
Obsomer Claude;
LGLOR1610 as a prerequisite
Main themes
An initiation into Middle Egyptian, the classical language of Pharaonic Egypt. The course completes the study of the elements constituting the sentences, then it deals with the non-verbal clauses, as well as the non-suffixal verbal forms.
Middle Egyptian is the classic language of pharaonic Egypt as used in the first half of the 2nd millenium, from the Middle Kingdom to the beginnings of the New Kingdom.
After an examination of how demonstratives and personal pronouns work, the course studies the different types of non-verbal clauses (for which a verb "to be" must be introduced in English). Finally, he devotes himself to verbs, of which he examines the classification, forms and functions of the infinitive, the imperative and the participles (perfective, imperfective and prospective).
Teaching methods
The main course (15h) is given on the basis of the interactive DVD, projected in the class. 
Specially conceived for the course, this DVD presents the various questions treated, including the exercises which illustrate each theoretical point. These exercises will be prepared by the students (15h).
Evaluation methods
Oral exam based on written preparation. The subjects are specified on a document on the Moodle server.
Online resources
On Moodle you can find details of the subject matter of the exam
How to draw hieroglyphs: http://safran.be/proddetail.php?prod=LCA23DRAW.
Claude Obsomer, Égyptien hiéroglyphique, Bruxelles, Safran, 2009 (DVD interactif, grammaire et cahier d'exercices).
Claude Obsomer and Sylvie Favre-Briant, Hieroglyphic Egyptian, Brussels, 2016.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Oriental Studies

Minor in Antiquity: Egypt, Eastern World, Greece, Rome