Final Dissertation: Legal Seminar

bdrho2141  2023-2024  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Final Dissertation: Legal Seminar
20.00 credits
Q1 and Q2

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

Hachez Isabelle;
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

This predominantly legal seminar aims to look further, from a legal perspective, into certain contemporary questions in terms of fundamental human rights. It includes the realisation of an individual assignment by each student.

The objective of the seminar is thus, among other things, to develop the students' capacity to:
- define as precisely as possible the topic of the dissertation;
- make the adequate methodological choices according to the topic;
- carry out the analysis and the summary of a situation or a problem by determining the guidelines which apply to it;
- share experience with and obtain feedback from the other students about the work in progress;
- assimilate and respond to the observations and criticisms formulated by the other students and the teachers;
- report on the progress of one's research;
- master the requirements in terms of substance and form relative to the drafting of a paper on fundamental human rights legislation;
- present the summary of certain common readings which could be assigned to students.
The object of the seminar is to consider the issue of the scope and implementation of cultural rights and to explore the different paths that would make it possible to overcome the obstacles that the classical doctrine continues to face in the effective implementation of these rights. To accomplish this, we will make use of the most up-to-date resources and techniques available to legal science, as well as the most recent developments in both national and international case law.

Because only a precise and rigorous understanding of these unidentified or misidentified legal objects, i.e. cultural rights, makes it possible to grasp their effectiveness, the seminar will focus on two cultural rights in particular: the right to education and the right to take part in cultural life. The objective of the seminar and the students' assignments is to specify the effectiveness of these two rights, i.e. to define them from a legal standpoint and to identify their degree of applicability in a court of law. The process proposed is that of analysing the effectiveness of these rights in relation to the public policies that make it possible to carry them out: educational policies and cultural policies.
Teaching methods
The seminar includes the individualized monitoring of each student's work as well as group sessions. An introductory session to present the topics to be covered in the seminar is organised at the beginning of the first term. During the second term, another session is devoted to the students' presentations of their research hypotheses.
Evaluation methods
The students are graded on the basis of an assignment that must satisfy the following basic conditions:

- to have for object and objective to answer a precisely determined research hypothesis and one that may be stated in the form of question;
- to be presented in the form of a legally substantiated demonstration which answers the research question put forward;
- to integrate the most relevant and most recent developments in legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence and to be complete and exhaustive in this respect;
- to develop personal and original reasoning, thus demonstrating a student's creativity and legal interpretation skills;
- to have legal discourse as a fundamental analytical resource (which a student can seek to clarify with the help of other disciplines);
- the research must focus on international law and/or Belgian Law and/or comparative law: it may not be exclusively focused on foreign law.

Certain formal requirements must also be respected:
- the paper must comply with the rules relating to bibliographical references;
- it must contain a bibliography which, source by source, details each element cited in the text;
- it must be written in impeccable style and form;
- it must be correctly structured.
Other information
Materials: An outline is available on Intranet and, among other things, it presents the seminar's objectives and organisation, its object, some paths of thought that can be followed and the requirements in terms of substance and form. This document also includes a general presentation of the right to culture and the right to education.
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Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Advanced Master in Human Rights (shift schedule)