Sources and principles of law

bhddr1112  2023-2024  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Sources and principles of law
7.00 credits
67.5 h
Q1 and Q2
Cruysmans Edouard; de Clippele Marie-Sophie (coordinator);
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

If law studies were to look like the construction of a building, the lecture of Sources and Principles of Law would certainly be its essential foundations. In other words, students will build their academic course in the Law faculty based on those solid achievements.
The lecture of Sources and Principles of Law allows students to familiarise themselves with the legal material and the legal instruments, i.e. the sources of law, the principles of law and the concepts of law. This lecture cannot equate to the mere presentation of the several law branches, side by side. It rather aims to offer a transversal approach in order for the students to grasp, on a global scale, what issues are at stake. During the lecture, law will be presented and analysed as a rule as an order, as a system, as an arborescence of branches, as a malleable element in constant evolution and reflexion.
At the end of this lecture, the students will inter alia acquire legal reflexes, will develop legal language, will master and understand the fundamental concepts of the law.
Course outlines

1. Introduction: delimitation of the object of the lecture “Sources and Principles of Law”
2. Theorisation of the legal rules
3. The sources of the international legal order
4. The sources of the national legal order
5. Normative conflicts
6. People and Goods
7. Subjective rights
8. The judicial function
Teaching methods
The course is a lecture. The study of the themes and issues, which are the subject matter of the course, are completed by a critical reflection. The course requires the active and intelligent involvement of the students who are entitled to ask the professor any question of general interest that may arise from the lecture.
Some support will be offered to the students progressively throughout the lecture and will be on line on Moodle. These supports are not mandatory but will accompany the student in his or her understanding and follow-up of the lecture.
Evaluation methods
The assessment is a written examination. The student may have with him or her the codes and case-law.
Other information
Teaching materials
  • Syllabus Sources et Principes du Droit tome I et II
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Law (shift schedule)

Bachelor in Law [Dual Bachelor’s degree for the holder of a Bachelor in Economics and Management]