Medieval History

bhist1283  2023-2024  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Medieval History
5.00 credits
60.0 h

This biannual learning unit is being organized in 2023-2024
Bousmar Eric;
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

The student will developp a critical, reflexive and in-depth knowledge of the main evolutions and structural patterns characterizing the Medieval Civilization.
A critical discussion of the very notion of Middle Ages and its implication is offered in the Introduction. The First Part deals with the political, legal and institutionnal history of the Middle Ages, with a focus on power relationships, cultural and political areas and political culture. Byzance and the Arab and Muslim world are studied in relationship with the Western Latin world. The following Parts nonetheless focus on the Western Middle Ages, dealing with socio-economic, religious, intellectual and cultural issues. Throughout the course, a special attention is given to the issues that have a particular relevance for today (such as migration waves, the interaction of civilizations, political and religious conflicts, the birth of the Western civilization and its internal diversity, the shifts of economic growth poles, the christian religion as a dominant ideology, minorities, gender, the rise of a rationnal thinking, the birth of the European early modern political structures, and so on).
Teaching methods
Ex-cathedra lecture. Documents are presented and analysed or discussed during the class.
Evaluation methods
Oral examination (with written preparation) assessing the knowledge of the course.
The student should be able to give an in-depth and detailled analysis of a given situation or fact. He/She should also be able to give a transversal analysis of an evolution accross various historical periods (diachronic approach) and to give a comparative analysis of simultaneous situations or parallel evolutions in different areas (synchronic approach).
Other information
Lecture handout that includes an outline of the course and a thematic bibliography.
Powerpoint presentation including textual and visual documents as well as maps (available on the Moodle platform of the course after each class).
Various other documents available on the Moodle platform of the course.
This course is thaught every odd year; it is taught during the second term of the academic year 2023-2024.
Cf. bibliographie détaillée jointe au syllabus.
A bibliography is included in the lecture handout.
Teaching materials
  • Histoire approfondie du Moyen Age. Syllabus-cadre et bibliographie
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Philosophy

Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Letters

Bachelor in History

Bachelor in History (French - English)

Bachelor in Political Sciences

Bachelor in Political Sciences (French-English)

Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : General