
bmhcg1141  2023-2024  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

5.00 credits
60.0 h
Bernard Nicolas; de Pierpont Gabriela;
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

The EU law aims at the following specific learning outcomes:
You have to be able:
- to summarize a new judicial decision and identify the essential elements of the text
- to reproduce a number of legal concepts, identify their characteristic elements and compare them
- to solve a legal question similar to the ones we saw in Class based on the legislative and regulatory texts available (application)
- to understand the main principles of the Belgian institutional organization

The course is given in French, which does not exclude the possibility that some decisions of jurisprudence may be in Dutch.
Part 1 : Introduction to Law
A. The concept of Law
B. Branches of Law
C. Judiciary

Part 2 : Functioning of the State
A. Organisation and separation of powers
B. The Federal State and the main federal entities

Part 3 : Civil Law
A. The Persons
I. Natural persons and legal persons
II. Identification and state of natural persons
B. Rights of persons
I. Personal rights
II Patrimonial rights
C. Contracts
I. Principles
II. Sales agreement
III. Lease agreement
D. Intellectual Property Rights

Part 4 : Company Law
A. The company, an actor in Economic law
B. Economic freedom and its limits
C. The legal instruments of the company
D. The company in difficulty

Part 5 : Social Law
A. The actors of the labour market
B. Representative mechanisms
C. The employment contract
Teaching methods
Lecture course, which can be illustrated by the analysis of documents and/or jurisprudential decisions.

Face-to-face and/or on-line, second term, 60 hours of theory.
Evaluation methods
The final assessment is a written (face-to-face or online) examination. It will assess the knowledge of the subject matter contained in the syllabus, as well as discussed in class, including the commented jurisprudential decisions.

During the entire examination, the students may refer to the legal and statutory texts. However, these documents may not include any annotations (with the exception of possible cross-references to other legal devices without any further comment).

The certificative asessment of this module consists of a single exam. It is therefore not possible to transfer any part of the grade.
Other information
Didactic supports proposed to the students:
- Syllabus (to be completed by personal notes)
- Collection of decisions of jurisprudence (some having been commented during the course)
- Legal and statutory texts.

It is imperative to use the legal and statutory texts regularly and frequently in order to be familiar with their handling.
Le syllabus renvoie à différents ouvrages, articles ou notes « pour en savoir plus ».
Ces références peuvent être complétées par :
- P. WERY, Droit des obligations : 1. Théorie générale des contrats, Larcier, 2011
- J. HANSENNE, Introduction au droit privé, 3è éd., Story Scientia, 1997
- H. CULOT, Y. DE CORDT, H. JACQUEMIN et TH. LÉONARD, Manuel du droit de l'entreprise, Anthemis, 2019.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting