Dutch II

bneer1281  2023-2024  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Dutch II
5.00 credits
0 h + 60.0 h
Q1 and Q2

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

De Munter Astrid (coordinator); Sirjacobs Guy;

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

- Development of various skills in order to reach level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference: written and oral expression, reading and listening comprehension;
- The courses and home preparation will help the students to master the language in terms of vocabulary and grammatical structures.
The courses examine different aspects of society and aim to broaden the lexical field, in particular vocabulary relating to economics, politics, current affairs, work, social affairs and culture.
Each theme will be developed during one or two courses. These will enable to:
- develop reading or listening comprehension skills through recent articles or reports on the chosen themes;
- improve written production through writing and occasional revision of grammar;
- use the vocabulary and grammar studied in context;
- develop written and oral production skills through essays and debates on the studied topics.
Teaching methods
First and second term. Face-to-face, if sanitary conditions allow it. Otherwise, the courses will be given via TEAMS.

There are two hours of Dutch per week, supplemented weekly in the second term with a course in Business Vocabulary.

The two hour-course is mainly devoted to the activities of :
a) reading: texts in the syllabus and the book « Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg » de Rodaan al-Galidi (édition Leeslicht, 2017, 134p.);
b) written expression exercises and audition/viewing of films and reports, focusing on everyday life situations and related to current events and partly to themes specific to the chosen section;
c) oral expression.

Students will also have to follow the course Business Vocabulary given by Mr. Sirjacobs during the second term. This course will be devoted to the study of the vocabulary specific to their chosen section.

If a part of the teaching activities cannot be carried out face-to-face for sanitary reasons, instructions will be sent via Moodle / Teams and the active participation of each student in these activities will be expected. Any modification to the lesson plan (contents, calendar,...) due to external circumstances will be communicated via Moodle.
Students must therefore read the news on MOODLE weekly to permanently be aware of possible change and information.

An exemption test (and not a level test) is organized at the beginning of the first term, the week of 18 September 2023, to allow the strongest students to be exempted from the course.

Please note that an overall mark of 16/20 must be obtained in order to be exempted from the course and that it is not possible to present this test at another time.
Evaluation methods
The examination covers all the subjects studied in class, of which the syllabus and the Business Vocabulary provide only a support.

A/ The written off-session exam of the first term takes place on Monday 11 December 2023.
It will cover all the subjects studied during the first term.

B/ The written off-session exam of the second term will take place out of session on Monday 13 May 2024.
It will cover all the subjects studied during the second term.

In the second term, students will also be required to make an oral presentation in groups which will count for the final assessment. The modalities of this presentation are explained at the beginning of the syllabus (mondelinge opdracht voor semester 2 -
Groepsopdracht) and will be explained in class/on Teams. The groups of 2-3 students must be formed by Monday 19 February 2024 at the latest.

The proportion for term 2 is 80% for the written exam (of which 20% for the part Business Vocabulary) and 20% for the oral presentation.

Part ‘Business Vocabulary’: the assessment consists of two open-book written tests (without any internet connection). The first one will take place in the last week before the Easter holidays and the second one in the last week of classes. There is no exam for this part.
Depending on the evolution of the sanitary situation, the tests will take place online or on campus.

The final proportion is 50% for term 1 and 50% for term 2.
Students who get 10/20 or higher will keep their result. The student will therefore not be able to re-sit an exam/oral presentation for which they have obtained a mark of 10/20 or higher.

At the end of the year, the student obtains a mark for the whole year.
In case the student has not obtained the average (for the 2 terms) of 10/20 in June, he/she is obliged to retake the term(s) for which he/she has not obtained 10/20 in August. Please note that a student who fails for term 2 must represent each part for which he or she has failed (written exam and/or oral presentation).In case of absence during one of the different parts of the evaluation, the student will receive the grade 0A. If the student can justify his/her absence by means of a medical certificate, sent to the faculty administration within 24 hours, he/she will receive the final grade 0M. No exceptions will be allowed. 
Please note that students are required to follow all information and instructions posted on Moodle. Non-observance of instructions (.e.g. late registration, no group, …) will result in failure with a 0 for the part(s) concerned.
If the sanitary conditions do not allow for face-to-face examinations, the modes of evaluation will be hybrid. The exams will also be organized off session and the grade weight will remain the same.
If distance learning is used in term 2, you will be asked to make a group presentation via TEAMS. Of course, we will not expect you to be "together" then, but to prepare something in group which you will present via Teams. These oral presentations may of course be subject to a question for examination. Any changes to the assessments, due to external circumstances, will be communicated via Moodle.

Grammaire : La grammaire néerlandaise (collection Petits Sésames – Van In)

Livre : « Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg » de Rodaan al-Galidi (édition Leeslicht, 2017, 134p.)

Textes / Vocabulaire : Journaux et revues (sur internet)

www.wablieft.be (niveau 1)

www.taalblad.be (niveau 1)

http://www.metrotime.be/ (niveau 1)

http://www.hln.be/ (niveau 1)

http://www.nieuwsblad.be/ (niveau 2)

http://www.deredactie.be/ (niveau 3)

http://www.dewereldmorgen.be/ (niveau 3)

http://www.vandaag.be/ (niveau 2)

http://www.brusselnieuws.be (niveau 2 / 3)

http://www.nrcnext.nl/ (niveau 2 / 3)

http://www.nu.nl (niveau 3)

http://www.trouw.nl/ (niveau 3)

http://www.humo.be/ (niveau 4)

http://www.standaard.be/ (niveau 4)

http://www.demorgen.be/ (niveau 4)

http://www.mo.be/ (niveau 4)

http://www.tijd.be/ (niveau 5)

http://www.mediargus.be/ (niveau 5)

http://www.knack.be/ (niveau 5)

http://www.groene.nl/ (niveau 5)

Reportages / matériel visuel

https://www.canvas.be (niveau 2)

https://www.een.be (niveau 2)

http://vrt.be (niveau 2)

http://terzake.canvas.be/ (niveau 4)

http://www.hollanddoc.nl (niveau 5)
Teaching materials
  • "Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg" de Rodaan al-Galidi (édition Leeslicht, 2017, 134p.).
  • NEER1281 - Néerlandais 2 (Ecog-Inge)
  • Néerlandais des affaires, Volume 1, Vocabulaire thématique, De Boeck 2015² (accès à la plateforme NOTO compris) [Repro Saint-Louis ou librairie ou Amazon.fr]
  • Néerlandais des affaires, Volume 2, Phrases types, exercices et presse business, De Boeck, 2015², accès à la plateforme NOTO compris) [Repro Saint-Louis ou librairie ou Amazon.fr]
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Economics and Management

Bachelor in Economics and Management (French-English)

Bachelor in Economics and Management (French-Dutch-English)

Bachelor : Business Engineering

Bachelor : Business Engineering (French-English)

Bachelor : Business Engineering (French-Dutch-English)