International Administrative and Political Reforms Andre Molitor Chair

ladpu2005  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

International Administrative and Political Reforms Andre Molitor Chair
5.00 credits
35.0 h
Alomar Mohamad Amin; Caliskan Murat; Liegeois Michel (coordinator);
Main themes
The contents of this teaching depend on the experts giving the lectures. A priority is given to comparative di-mension, whether it is within the European framework or outwards. The choice of the personalities is given each year by POLS Department on proposal of SPRI Unit.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 This course aims at introducing the students to the issues of change in public organizations or policies, at the internal and/or international level by means of lectures given by guest-speakers. Coming from universities, po-litical circles or civil service, these experts are invited to present and discuss with the students (projects of) the reforms in the political and administrative field.
"Foresight, anticipation and change management in organisations and public policies"
The course is organised in three parts. The first one sets up and defines the notions of foresight and anticipation as tools for change management, in connection with a  systemic approach, long-term temporalities, as well as a logic of strategy and action.
The second part articulate foresight approaches with the concepts used in the organisations and the public policies: sustainable development, governance, participative management, social innovation, etc.
The third part considers the processes of change by the way of foresight and anticipation methods in organisations, companies and public policies, applied at global and European levels including the national, federal and local specificities, in a comparative approach.
Teaching methods
Partie Frédéric Varone – Le système politique suisse
Le cours vise à présenter les caractéristiques principales du système politique suisse. Dans une perspective de type néo-institutionnaliste, les diverses séances sont consacrées aux institutions fondamentales de la Suisse, dont les instruments de la démocratie directe, le fédéralisme, la neutralité et la concordance. Le cours propose aussi une analyse empirique de leurs effets sur le fonctionnement du système et sur la conduite de l’action publique, dont le processus législatif en particulier. Il passe ensuite en revue les principaux acteurs du "jeu politique", dont les acteurs étatiques (gouvernement et parlement) et non-étatiques (partis politiques et groupes d'intérêt). »
L’examen se déroulera sous la forme d’un QCM, sans documentation.
Partie Murat Caliskan - War, Strategy and Technology
The Course Description
War and strategy (the use of force for political purpose) have been by far the most powerful among the influences that have shaped the course of international relations. The evolution of war has been shaped by mankind's various experiences by the concurrent changes in political, economic and social systems, in demographics, in industrial and technological capabilities. This course, starting from the second half of 19th century, examines the evolution of theory of war and strategy particularly in relation to political and technological changes and discuss the future of war through the lens of current technological advances. (Cyber, artificial intelligence, drones etc.). The fundamental nature and evolving characteristics of varying levels of war provide students with insights about how war and conflict shape strategic thought and military practice. Studying the impact of technological advances provides a foundation for understanding contemporary discussions about the future of war. The course adopts both thematic and case study approach. After the fundamental principles regarding the interrelationship between war, strategy and technology are explained in the first four sessions, their applications in case studies will be examined in the following sessions. The case studies provide a means to evaluate and discuss how strategic planners and military leaders in real world circumstances have successfully—or unsuccessfully— addressed the problems associated with using force to attain national objectives and the role played by the technology.
The evaluation will consist of an individual work. The precise modalities of which will be communicated during the course.
Evaluation methods
To determine in agreement with the invited teachers (presentation of a personal work or a group work, critical synthesis of conferences, essay, written exam.). See the details for each professor in the field "méthodes d'enseignement"
Other information
To determine in agreement with the invited teachers (presentation of a personal work or a group work, critical synthesis of conferences, essay,'.)
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Political Sciences: International Relations

Master [120] in Public Administration

Master [120] in Political Sciences: General