Learning and teaching with new technologies

lagre2221  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Learning and teaching with new technologies
2.00 credits
15.0 h + 15.0 h
Decamps Sandrine;
Main themes
The major concern of the course is to locate various technologies within a problematic framework which subordinates the teaching "tools" to the objectives of the teaching training process. On the basis of example (Web sites, cederoms, softwares ...) extracted from various contexts and various disciplines, the following topics will be reviewed: techniques of multi-media and the Internet, a typology of technological tools for learning and teaching and their associated practices, pedagogical models for the development and the integration of the NTIC in education, the use of the NTIC in various teaching methods. One will also underline the interest of the technological approach in the steps of resolution of problems coming from various disciplines and in the development of transverse competences in learning (use of the bureautic software, for example). In the exercises, a very detailed attention will be given to the construction, the use and the exploitation of evaluation grids for each quoted technology and in their teaching uses.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Objectives At the end of this course, the student will be more able - to understand new information and communication technologies (ICT: audio-visual, multimedia, networks, Internet tools...), - to determine their teaching possibilities and their limits, - to describe teaching setups integrating these tools, - to evaluate the impacts of them (cognitive, relational, emotional...) on the training and finally to estimate their various costs. T The integration of these technologies in the mechanisms of teaching and training will be particularly underlined. The more specific objective of the optional exercises will relate to the evaluation of the tools and the teaching setups in terms of competences that one wishes to develop.
Methods The course will be built around various talks illustrated "on line" (handling of the images, construction of Internet sites...) with a sufficient time for exchanges with the audience. For the optional exercises, a formula of "microsite" (and teamwork) will be proposed. The students there will look further into a topic and will present the results of their work "as a pleinière".
Teaching methods
Flipped Classrooms; learning-by-doing; peer instruction; peer evaluation
Other information
Others informations The course in itself does not require prerequisites; the examples will be selected in various disciplines. With regard to the course, the exams will relate to the comprehension of the technical and teaching concepts seen in the course and to the analysis of a teaching situation integrating the technological tool. The evaluation of the exercises will relate to a thorough work of analysis, development and presentation of "products" and "situations" as well on the level of the techniques used as on the developed competences and the integration in teaching. Others elements Demonstrations (on computer or in video) will be organized within each course in order to show operations of the various aspects approached by the courses "in real dimension". References M. Lebrun (2002). Théories et méthodes pédagogiques pour enseigner et apprendre : Quelle place pour les TIC dans l'éducation. De Boeck (Bruxelles), 206 pages. M. Lebrun (2002). Des technologies pour enseigner et apprendre. 2ème édition revue. De Boeck (Bruxelles), 240 pages
Alombert, A. (2023). Schizophrénie numérique. Alia. Petite collection.
Amadieu, F., & Tricot, A. (2020). Apprendre avec le numérique : mythes et réalités. Paris: Retz.
Cardon, D. (2019). Cultures numériques. Paris. Presses de Sciences Po.
Devauchelle, B. (2019). Inverser la classe. ESF Sciences humaines. Paris.
Parmentier, J.Ph., Vicens, Q. (2019). Quatre scénario pour enseigner ou former à distance. Exemples concrets et fiches pratiques. Dunod. Accessible en ligne
Tisseron, S. (2018). Petit traité de cyber-psychologie. Pour ne pas prendre les robots pour des messies et l’I.A. pour une lanterne. Le Pommier.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Physics

Master [120] in Biology of Organisms and Ecology

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Psychology and Education

Master [120] in Theology

Master [120] in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology

Master [120] in History

Master [120] in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Biology

Master [120] in Chemistry

Master [120] in Physics

Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : German, Dutch and English

Master [120] in Biblical Studies

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Chemistry

Master [120] in Geography : General

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Theology