Academic methodology

lbio1115  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Academic methodology
2.00 credits
10.0 h + 10.0 h

  This learning unit is not being organized during year 2023-2024.

This teaching unit consists of "equipping" students with their profession: getting to know each other, planning their study, taking notes, summarizing, correctly understanding a question, in order to be able to explain rigorously what they have learned, in particular , during tests and exams. The aim here is not only to present the elements of methodology but also to ensure the transfer and appropriation of these tools by the students in the light of the latest knowledge in neuroscience.
Teaching methods
The teaching activities provided by the co-lecturers of the course will constitute in
- group work, personal work, lectures, mainly in co-construction with the students,
- a Masssive Open Online COurse (MOOC) "Become a super student" from Mireille Houart, UNamur.
Evaluation methods
Attendance at this course is required. The course holders may, under article 72 of the General Regulations for Studies and Examinations, propose to the jury to oppose the registration of a student who has not attended at least 90 % of classes, during the June or September session.
The final grade will include attendance at classes, the quality of personal and group work and participation in the MOOC "Become a super student" by Mireille Houart, UNamur .

The grade “Attendance at class” is definitively acquired at the end of the corresponding activities (second term). In the event of an examination in the 3rd session (August), the mark acquired at the end of the second term will be postponed.

There is no exam in the June session. The student's grade is established according to the attendance at classes, from the work submitted during the second term and from his certification in the MOOC "Become a super student" by Mireille Houart, UNamur ..
During the August examination session, the student will have to submit work covering all the subject matter of the teaching unit. Useful instructions for writing and submitting assignments will be available on the course platform from mid-July (for the August session). The student will be questioned orally on the content of the work submitted during the exam session (August).
Other information
This course is intended exclusively for students registered in the first block in biology.
Online resources
Ressources are available on Moodle. The site contains the documents presented and used during the lessons and allows the deposit of students' productions.
Des ouvrages et/ou articles en relation avec la méthodologie à acquérir, dont le livre de Mireille Houart « Réussir sa première année en médecine, sciences, sciences de la santé et ingéniérie » aux éditions De Boeck.
Méthodes de travail et stratégies d'apprentissage. Du secondaire à l'université. J.-L. Wolfs, De Boeck Supérieur.
Books and / or articles related to the methodology to be acquired, including the book by Mireille Houart "Réussir sa première année en médecine, sciences, sciences de la santé et ingéniérie" published by De Boeck.
Méthodes de travail et stratégies d'apprentissage. Du secondaire à l'université. J.-L. Wolfs, De Boeck Supérieur.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Biology