General Microbiology

lbir1350  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

General Microbiology
4.00 credits
37.5 h + 15.0 h
Gillis Annika;

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
In order to achieve the objectives of this course, the following themes will be developed, in an integrated manner:
- The microbial world in the reality of its size and diversity, the multiplicity of its habitats and relationships with the environment, including the other organisms.
- The world of viruses and bacteriophages and the methods developed for their use or control.
- The potential of genetic adaptation of microbes and, in particular, the specificity of their sexuality.
- The strategies allowing the most efficient control of micro-organisms, using either prophylactic or curative methods.
- The industrial use of microbes in the fields of agro-food industry, environment or medicine.
- The past, present and future use of micro-organisms in biological engineering.
The main objectives of the practical work, mostly performed by the students themselves, are: i) macroscopic and microscopic observations of bacteria, fungi and bacteriophages, and ii) the use of the basic techniques of descriptive microbiology.
Teaching methods
- The main activity is given as ex cathedra courses, which include many practical examples and case studies, taken from human and animal health, the environment or biotechnological applications.
- At the beginning of each lecture, a recapitulation (ca. 15 min) of the main messages from the previous course is given in English.
- On a voluntary basis, a dozen students have the possibility to present  a « Microstory » (ca. 15 min), dealing with aspects related to the course.
- Practical work (mandatory activity):
  • Groups of 2 students
  • Case study under the supervision of an assistant/technician team
  • Each student has the opportunity to perform the main basic operations related to the observation and control of the micro-organisms
  • Writing of an individual report, in the laboratory notebook.
Evaluation methods
- The evaluation consists of a final written exam in the form of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Multiple Responses and including:
  •      the theoretical course, including the content of the Microstories (see below) (18/20)
  •      the practical work (2/20)
The evaluation results in a single score. In case of failure, the entire exam must be retaken.
- Evaluation of the presentation made by certain students (on a voluntary basis) that have presented a Microstory, on a subject related to the course and chosen in interaction with the teacher. The evaluation of this presentation represents a bonus of maximum 2 points on the final exam mark.
- Practical work (laboratory session):
> By group of 2. Compulsory participation. A penalty of -1 point /20 on the final exam mark per practical session missed in the event of an unjustified absence.
  • Dias du cours sur MOODLE
  • Willey J., Sherwood L., Woolverton C., Coyette J., Joseleau J.-P. & Perraud, R. (2018) Microbiologie de Prescott (5e édition). De Boeck supérieur. 980 pp - ISBN- 9782807308022.
  • Madigan M., Bender K., Buckley D., Sattley M., Stahl DA. & Brock T. (2022) Brock Biology of Microorganisms (16th Edition).  Pearson Education. 1124 pp - ISBN 9781292404790.
Teaching materials
  • Dias du cours sur MOODLE
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in Scientific Culture

Bachelor in Bioengineering