Thesis support seminar

ldroi2100  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Thesis support seminar
2.00 credits
15.0 h

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

Beernaert Marie-Aude; Beguin Etienne (compensates Durant Isabelle); Bonbled Nicolas; Born Charles-Hubert; Callewaert Vincent; Christians Louis-Léon; Coppens Philippe; Culot Henri; d'Argent Pierre; Dandoy Nathalie; De Coninck Bertrand; De Cordt Yves; De Schutter Olivier; Derycke Werner; Derèse Marie-Noëlle; Dopagne Frédéric; Dorssemont Filip; Dubuisson Bernard; Durant Isabelle; Flore Daniel; Francq Stéphanie; Frison Christine; Fyon Marc; Gerard Damien; Giacometti Mona; Hausman Jean-Marc; Hermand Olivier; Jongen François; Lamine Auriane; Lazaro Christophe; Lys Matthieu; Macq Christelle; Marique Enguerrand; Moreau Thierry; Mouffe Bernard; Mouffe Bernard (compensates Lazaro Christophe); Navez Edouard-Jean; Neveu Suliane; Philippe Denis; Radi Yannick; Renders David; Romainville Céline; Sarolea Sylvie; Schamps Geneviève; Sosson Jehanne; Strowel Alain; Tainmont Fabienne; Thiebaut Christophe; Traversa Edoardo; Van Drooghenbroeck Jean-François; Van Steenberghe Raphael; Verdussen Marc; Vielle Pascale; Wauters Kris; Willems Geoffrey; Wéry Patrick;
Le séminaire de méthodologie de la recherche en droit: LDROI 2150.
Main themes
Each thesis support seminar is attended by no more than 10 students. All students are linked to one seminar according to their wishes that they will have expressed with respect to the subjects of their theses or, more generally, regarding the legal discipline/subject with which they would like their theses to be associated. According to the conditions stipulated by the Thesis Regulations, the students express the wish to work on one or several legal subjects, problems or disciplines/matters; they do not choose their sponsors even if they have been informed of the names of the various holders of the support seminars and their legal specialities. The thesis support seminar is run by a member of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Law who is therefore both the holder and sponsor of the theses of the students linked to his/her seminar. The thesis support seminar takes place during the second four month period of the first year of the Master programme at the rate of at least five sessions of two hours. These sessions follow the objectives indicated above and of which the final objective is getting the student to define as precisely as possible both the subject and the methodology of his/her thesis (particularly the necessity to resort to one phase of the thesis). The seminar is also a forum for exchange among students with respect to all recommendations relating to the future completion of their theses both regarding form and content. The holder of the seminar may demonstrate to the students the contemporary difficulties encountered in the branch or branches of law to which the thesis support seminar is linked in order to guide the students in researching the subject of their theses. The holder of the support seminar may invite any external person to intervene in order to enrich exchanges. He may also require the students to carry out one or the other of the following tasks: - studies and comments of documents and texts; - work on the theses already supported; - outlines of the works or articles relating to the joint subjects; - simulation of vivas and invitation to former thesis students; - case analysis and concrete situations linked if possible to practical training carried out elsewhere. No later than the end of the seminar, the subject of the thesis will be decided by common agreement by the sponsor and the student on proposition by the latter via a brief outline of up to five pages. The pages contain a provisional plan, a bibliography and a short presentation of the problem to be discussed. 
A module dedicated to documentary research is an integral part of the SAM. It is organised in partnership with the library team. Specially designed on the basis of the experience acquired by the team in helping students and an analysis of research notes student produced in previous years, this module will help students to quickly produce a quality bibliography. It comprises six hours of compulsory training, four of which are common core and two of which are electives.
The four core hours will be devoted to reviewing the basics of documentary research and going into greater depth. The aim will be to discover all the resources available in the library's physical and electronic collections, including the many databases. This overview will be accompanied by tips and tricks on how to access the various resources and avoid the most common mistakes. This module also includes a practical guide to correctly citing varied sources.
The optional two hours consist of a thematic module (e.g. international and European law) or a technical module (e.g. more in-depth documentary research). Students must take at least one of these modules and may, if they wish, take several or all of them. The list of modules to choose from will be announced during the first semester. Registration will be online.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 The thesis support seminar will assist the students in completing their theses within the deadlines set and, as far as possible, to achieve them during the June Master 2 session. The sponsors are in charge of one support seminar (two at most). The objective of the thesis supervisory seminar is in particular to develop the student's capacity to:
  • precisely define a research topic and a research question ;
  • make apt methodological choices in relation to the research question ;
  • produce and use a complete and varied bibliography on the chosen subject (variety of types of sources, languages) ;
  • create an analysis and summary of a situation or problem by bringing out the rules applying to it ; - exchange with the other students on the subject of the course work ;
  • understand and respond to the observations and criticism put forward by the other students and the sponsor ;
  • elaborate on the state of progress with his research ;
  • master the detailed demands and the form relative to completing his/her thesis ;
  • present the summary of certain joint reading that may be allocated to the students.
The Thesis Accompaniment Seminar (SAM) (M1) is designed to help the student to define with the greatest possible precision both the subject and methodology of his or her thesis and to help him or her complete the thesis within the allotted time and, as far as possible, to complete it during the second annual block of the master's program. The seminar is also a place for exchange between students on all the recommendations relating to the future writing of their dissertation, both in form and substance.
The law thesis (M2) is a personal and in-depth work of research and reflection that attests to the student's mastery of a given legal subject. It pursues the objectives indicated above. As a personal end-of-study work, the aim of the dissertation is to highlight the student's autonomy, critical sense, mastery of the law, skills and other personal qualities.
An interdisciplinary dissertation is possible, subject to the selection of a co-sponsor in the chosen related discipline and participation in the first session of the SAM of this co-sponsor.
The dissertation in case of registration for the double Master in Law-Management is a legal dissertation on a management theme chosen in common with a co-promoter of the LSM and deals with the legal aspects of this theme. It is complementary to the dissertation to be completed at the LSM on the management aspects of the said theme
Teaching methods
The SAM consists of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 sessions of 2 hours scheduled by the promoter and during which the promoter accompanies the students to achieve the objectives of the SAM. The promoter may invite third parties, propose readings, etc. The student gives a plan, an introduction, a bibliography and one or more reading cards and presents orally his subject and plan at the end of the seminar.
The dissertation is done by the student under the supervision of its promoter, who takes the initiative to contact the student to schedule a minimum of three interviews before submission. The dissertation is the subject of a public oral defense.
An interdisciplinary dissertation is possible, subject to the choice of a co-sponsor in the chosen related discipline and subject to the participation of this co-sponsor in the first session of the SAM.
Evaluation methods
The SAM is evaluated on the basis of written and oral performances.
The dissertation is evaluated on the basis of the written performance and the oral defence.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Law