Elements of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure

lecri1504  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Elements of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
7.00 credits
60.0 h
Hausman Jean-Marc; Macq Christelle;
Main themes
The study of criminal law is centered on the knowledge and understanding of the general principles of criminal law; on the constituent elements of the offense; on the rules relative to the perpetrator, as well as on the relevant penalities and their application.
By way of example, we enumerate a few topics:
- Under what conditions can an individual find himself in a situation justifying the use of force in self-defense?
- Can a minor (or a person suffering from mental disorder) be tried by criminal court?
- What is a suspended sentence on probation and under what conditions can it be adjudged?
In this part, the professor outlines basic rights, such as the presumption of innocence, the right to remain silent, the right to a fair trial, the rights of the defense, the right to individual freedom, the inviolability of the home - and their concrete implications. The course covers a prosecution, describing the role and the powers of the various players (prosecution, defense, party seeking civil damages, judge, etc.).
The course relies on written materials which contain the basis of the knowledge which the student must master and on lectures whose purpose is to illustrate the course content with concrete cases.
Evaluation methods
Written examination.
Th. Moreau et D. Vandermeersch, Eléments de droit pénal et de procédure pénale, Bruxelles, La Charte, 2022.
M.-A. Beernaert et al, Introduction à la procédure pénale, 8e éd., Bruxelles, La Charte, 2021.
Teaching materials
  • Th. Moreau et D. Vandermeersch, Eléments de droit pénal et de procédure pénale, Bruxelles, La Charte, 2022.
  • M.-A. Beernaert et al, Introduction à la procédure pénale, 8e éd., Bruxelles, La Charte, 2021.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in Law (openness)

Bachelor in Psychology and Education: General

Advanced Master in Forensic Medicine

Minor in Criminology