Individual final project

lelat2898  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Individual final project
10.00 credits
Q1 and Q2

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

Main themes
It consists of a work of a more limited scope than a Master Dissertation, consisting in a status quaestionis of a subject relevant to the discipline of the Masters and which can be completed in a year.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 The individual final project must demonstrate the student's ability to describe correctly the results of a personal, objective and methodical work. The length of the work is not a criteria in evaluating its quality. As with the other forms of learning, the final dissertation is an essential component of the programme to which it belongs.
The project irrespective of the subject, allows a student to:
' summarise a given scientific topic;
' put a specific issue in context drawing on existing information;
' present the results of the dissertation.
The individual final project at Masters level, is a personal contribution to scientific knowledge on a question of a limitedd scale. Through this work, which is the final achievement of his studies, the student will prove that he has acquired the principal methodology of the studies of Antiquity, notably in the fields of Classical languages, literatures or civilisations.

The student must show himself capable of following the essential stages of scientific research, that is the definition of the problem, followed by
collecting primary sources, bibliography and other research data, to evaluating and interpreting the documents concerned, as well as elaborating a synthesis and reporting on the results obtained.
The main body of the written work, excluding bibliography, illustrations and annexes, should consist of about 50 to 75 pages  (that is between 100.000 and 150.000 characters).

Cf. Vade mecum of the individual final project LCLAS (
Teaching methods
Evaluation methods
The final project work will be evaluated by the promoter and a reader. The average of their respective marks will determine the final mark for the work. When evaluating the work, the promoter and the reader will take account of the following factors:
' his ability to formulate the object of the research and to correctly state it or a working hypothesis;
' his mastery of the various research tools both bibliographic and documentary;
' the quality of the data collected and its interpretation;
' the expression and coherence of the work;
' the accuracy, clarity and rigour of the written work;
' the respect of the formal limits to the presentation of  a written work.
Cf Evaluation criteria for the final project work in CLAS (

There is no oral defence of the individual final project.
Other information
There must be a choice of subject with the approval of the supervisor by November 1.
Online resources
' Vade mecum of the individual final project CLAS (
' Evaluation criteria for the final project work in CLAS (
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Certificat universitaire en langue, littérature et civilisation latines