Economic relations between Europe and the developing economies

leusl2303  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Economic relations between Europe and the developing economies
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Defraigne Jean-Christophe;
Main themes
This course outlines and analyses the relations between Europe and developing economies from a long-term economic perspective.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

- Understanding the main stakes of the economic and political relations between Europe and the developing economies
- Developing a multidisciplinary approach to Europe’s international relations taking into account its historical, geographical, economic, institutional and political dimensions.
It starts by analysing the historical evolution of economic and political relations between Europe and the developing economies. The course examines the structure of economic flows (trade, FDI, portfolio) between Europe and developing economies. It outlines and comments on the trade policies between the European Union the developing economies. The course provides case studies that highlight particular aspects of the relations between Europe and the developing world.
Teaching methods
The classes will consist of seminars
Evaluation methods
Attendance is compulsory and counts for 20% of the final mark.
The evaluation will consist of TWO oral examinations that will account for 80% of the mark.Each examination is based on the ex-cathedra course and on specific readings from a list communicated to students during the first lecture of the course. The first examination will take place on the week 09 (mid-November). The second during the January session
LEUSL2303 Europe and the developing economies
List of readings and questions to prepare for the lectures
Lecture 2: Relations between Europe and Latin America from the independence to the 1930s
Readings (88 pages)
SKIDMORE, Thomas & SMITH Peter H : « Modern Latin America », Oxford University Press, 6th edition , 2005 pp13-41
WINTGENS, Sophie & DEFRAIGNE Jean-Christophe « L’Amérique latine et les grandes puissances » (preprint)in PARTHENAY Kevin (Ed) «L’Amérique Latine » Larcier Bruxelles 2023 pp1-13
GALEANO, Eduardo « Open veins of Latin America », Serpent’s tail, London, 2009, p11-58
  1. What are the factors that triggered the Latin American independence?
  2. How do you explain the disintegration of the Spanish Americas after the independence?
  3. How do you explain the economic divergence between north America and Latin America in the 19th and 20th century?
  4. Analyse the main economic flows between Europe and Latin America from the independence until the 1930s
Lecture 3: Relations between Europe and Latin America from the 1930s to the debt crisis
Readings (77 pages)
SKIDMORE, Thomas & SMITH Peter H : « Modern Latin America », Oxford University Press, 6th edition , 2005 pp42-68
WINTGENS, Sophie & DEFRAIGNE Jean-Christophe « L’Amérique latine et les grandes puissances » (preprint) in PARTHENAY Kevin (Ed) «L’Amérique Latine » Larcier Bruxelles 2023, pp13-21
GUNDER FRANK, Andre, Lumpenbourgeoisie: Lumpendevelopment: Dependence, Class, and Politics in Latin America, Monthy Review Press, New-York, pp92-137
  1. How do you explain the development of import substitution industrialization (ISI) policies in the large Latin American economies from the 1930s onwards?
  2. What were the limits of the ISI policies?
  3. What are the causes and the consequences of the debt crisis of the 1980s and 1990s?
  4. What was the attitude of European governments in the debt crisis
  5. Why did Mexico experience a less important relative deindustrialization than its Latin American counterparts?   
Lecture 4 : Relations between Europe and Latin America from the Washington consensus to 2020.
Readings (91 pages)
WINTGENS, Sophie & DEFRAIGNE Jean-Christophe « L’Amérique latine et les grandes puissances » (preprint)
PARTHENAY Kevin (Ed) «L’Amérique Latine » Larcier Bruxelles 2023, pp22-31
SKIDMORE, Thomas & SMITH Peter H : « Modern Latin America », Oxford University Press, 6th edition , 2005, pp396-439
HOLLAND Martin : « The European Union & the World », Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2002, pp52-59
MULLER, Gustavo G., WOUTERS Jan, DEFRAIGNE Jean-Christophe, SANTANDER Sebastian, RAUBE Kolja: “The EU-Latin American Strategic Partnership: state of play and ways forward”, study, Directorate-General for External Policies, policy department, European Parliament”, ISBN: 978-92-846-0953-6, European Union, Brussels, 2017, pp15-47
  1. What was the attitude of European and US government vis-à-vis regional integration processes in Latin America
  2. What are the causes and impacts of the reprimarization in Latin America?
  3. Analyse the commercial diplomacy rivalry between the EU, the US and China.
Lecture 5: Relations between Europe and Africa during colonization to decolonization
Readings (112 pages)
COOPER, Frederick : « Africa since 1940 », Cambridge University Press, 2002 pp1-89
ENGLEBERT, Pierre & DUNN Kevin: “Inside African Politics”, Lynne Riener, London, 2013, pp17-40
  1. What were the long-term effects of the colonization of Africa
  2. Why did colonialist systems in Africa become increasing under pressure in the early 20th century?
  3. Analyse the roots of the limitation of state capacity building during and after the independence of Africa
Lecture 6: Relations between Europe and Africa during decolonization and post-colonization
Readings (61 pages)
COOPER, Frederick : « Africa since 1940 », Cambridge University Press, 2002 pp91-131
ENGLEBERT, Pierre & DUNN Kevin: “Inside African Politics”, Lynne Riener, London, 2013, pp40-61
  1. Analyse the roots of the limitation of state capacity building during and after the independence of Africa
  2. Outline the limits of the autonomy of new the African states
  3. Have African states reduce their economic and technological dependency vis-à-vis Europe in the 20th century?
Lecture 7 The development of African economies and their relations with the European Union and its member States from Yaoundé to Cotonou
Readings (73 pages)
FARRELL, Mary “A triumph of realism over idealism: Cooperation between the European Union and Africa” in
SODERBAUM Fredrick & VAN LANGENHOVE, Luk: “The EU as a Global Player”, Routledge, Oxon, 2006, pp37-58
ORBIE, Jan: “Values in European Union trade policy: promoting development in the south?”in FRANCK Christian & DUCHENNE, Geneviève: “L’action extérieure de l’Union Européenne” pp298-320
HANSEN, Peo & JONSSON Stefan, Eurafrica, Bloomsbury, London, 2016, pp147-177.
  1. To what extent did African economies have reduced their dependency on Europe
  2. What are the causes and the consequences of the debt crisis of the 1980s and 1990s?
  3. Analyse the changes and continuities between Yaounde, Lome and Cotonou agreements
Lecture 8 The new scramble for Africa
Readings (70-80 pages to choose in this list)
BARBER, Laura & ALDEN, Chris EU-China-Africa and the challenges of African development 404-411
BARTON, B & de BELLEFROID, A:  China and the European Union in Sub-Saharan Africa 371-396
BRAUTIGAM Deborah, The Dragon’s gift, Oxford University Press, 2009 pp71-104
MOYO, Dambisa “Dead aid”, Pinguin Books, London 2010 pp98-125
Russia scramble pp1-9
PILLING, David, The new scramble for business in Africa, Financial Times, London, 24th September pp1-7
FOY, Henry, ASTRASHEUSKAYA, Nastassia & PILLING, David,  Russia: Vladimir Putin’s pivot to Africa, Financial Times, 22 January 2019, London pp1-7
PAIRAULT, Thierry,  Examining the importance of the New Silk Roads for Africa and for global governance, in Carrai, Adele, Defraigne Jean-Christophe & Wouters, Jan. The Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governance, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2020, pp155-174
WISSENACH, Uwe, African agency in the Belt and Road Initiative: Kenya’s rail investment, in Carrai, Adele, Defraigne Jean-Christophe & Wouters, Jan. The Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governance, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2020, pp204-220
SCHMIDT, Elizabeth : Foreign Intervention in Africa: From the Cold War to the War on Terror. New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp193-225
  1. Analyse the rise of Chinese economic flows in the African economies
  2. Compare China, Russia and the EU economic and geopolitical presence in Africa
  3. What is the US approach since the end of the Cold War?
Lecture 9 the prospects of the African economies and their relation to Europe
Readings (91 pages)
NEWMAN, Carol, PAGE, John, RAND, John, SHIMELES Abebe, SODERBOM, Mans & TARP, Finn: “Made in Africa: learning to compete in industry”, Brookings, Washington DC, 2016,pp3-29
European Peace Facility: Investing in international stability and security pp1-12
Press clippings lecture 8 pp1-54
  1. Outline future challenges of the African economies
  2. Is there a new EU diplomacy in Africa and for what reasons?  
Lecture 10 MENA
Readings (70 to 80 pages to choose in this list)
Fachqoul Karima and DEFRAIGNE Jean-Christophe: “The evolution of European and Chinese interests in the MENA, pp239-259
AMIN, Samir & EL KENZ, Ali, Europe and the Arab world, Patterns and prospects for the new relationship, Zed Books, London, 2005, pp1-169
SALEH, Heba & ENGLAND Andrew: “How the Middle East is sowing seeds of a second Arab spring”, Financial Times, 5 March 2018
  1. How do you explain the opening the Chinese economy?
  2. What are the global impacts of China’s economic growth since the 1980s?
Lecture 11 the case of Israel & Palestine
Readings (70 to 80 pages to choose in this list)
BEN PORAT Guy, FENIGER Yariv, FILC, Dani, KABALO, Paula, MIRSKY Julia: “The Routledge Handbook on Contemporary Israel”, Routledge, London, 2022, chapters 1, 4, 5, 12,13,14, 15, 28
ROGAN, Eugene & SCHLAIM, Avi: “The War for Palestine”, Cambridge University Press,2001. Pp1-59
NITZAN, Johanthan & BICHLER, Shismson : “The Global Political Economy of Israel », Pluto Press, 2002, pp84-135
HALPER, Jeff : « Decolonizing Israel, Liberating Palestine”, Pluto Press, London, 2021
BECKET, Francis, HENK, David & KOCHAN, Nick: “Blair Inc: the man behind the mask”, John Blake Publishing, London,  pp1-39
PEEL, Michael Peel & ENGLAND Andrew, Divided Europe plays bystander in Gaza conflict, Financial Times, London, , 18 May 2021
  1. Is Israel a colonizing state and is it sustainable?
  2. Analyse the geopolitical relations of Europe with Israel  
  3. Analyse the economic relations of Europe with Israel
  4. Analyse the relations of Europe with Palestinians
Lecture 12: EU & China 1949 to 2008
Readings (75 pages)
KROEBER, Arthur China’s Economy, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press 2020, pp10-52
DEFRAIGNE JC: “China shakes the world: Challenges arising from shifts in the global balance of power” in “China, the EU and Global governance”, Eds Jean-Christophe DEFRAIGNE, Pierre DEFRAIGNE, Tanguy de Wilde & Jan Wouters, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2012 pp13-50
  1. How do you explain the opening the Chinese economy?
  2. What are the global impacts of China’s economic growth since the 1980s?
Lecture 13 the EU and China 2008 to the present times
Readings (85 pages)
DEFRAIGNE, Jean-Christophe & NOUVEAU Patricia, Introduction à l’Economie Européenne, 3ème édition, Ouvertures Economiques, De Boeck, Brussels, 2022, pp568-578.
DEFRAIGNE, Jean-Christophe, China’s industrial policy: The visible hand of the party-state to catch up by any means necessary, in DEFRAIGNE, Jean-Christophe, Traversa, Edoardo, Wouters Jan & Zustrassen Dimitri, Which EU industrial policy in the Multipolar Economy of the 21st Century? Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, ISBN: 978180037262, 2022, pp242-269
EU Chamber of Commerce in China & MERICS, Decoupling, Severed Ties & Patchwork globalization”, 2021, pp3-8
DEFRAIGNE, Jean-Christophe, The Belt and Road Initiative, the Economic Integration of the Eurasian Continent and the International Division of Labour, chapter 3 in Carrai, Adele, Defraigne Jean-Christophe & Wouters, Jan. The Belt and Road Initiative and Global GovernanceEdward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2020 pp1-26
Financial Times, Fortress China, Xi Jinping’s plan for economic independence, Financial Times, London, 16 September 2022, pp1-11
China-EU tensions press clippings pp1-14
  1. What is the role of the Communist Party in the economic development of China
  2. What the main sources of tension between the EU and China since 2008?
  3. What are the causes and impact of BRI?
  4. What are the challenges that China faces to catch up with the most advanced economies?
  5. Is decoupling with China a credible option and what would be the consequences
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Advanced Master in European Business and Economic Policy

Master [120] in European Studies