Latin I

lfial1180  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Latin I
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Delanaye Lysiane;
Main themes
This course is intended for "absolute beginners" whose knowledge of Latin is deemed insufficient to take LFIAL1181 Latin Authors.
The course will aim at integrating the main notions of Latin morphology and syntax, in order to acquire the knowledge and skills essential for reading a simple text.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 decline or conjugate any Latin word;
2 understand and translate simple Latin texts;
3 translate simple French sentences into Latin (theme).
This course is designed for complete beginners whose knowledge of Latin is not enough to take the part of the course  Latin Authors  (LFIAL 1181). The course aims at assimilating the main notions of Latin morphology and syntax, in order to develop a gradual autonomy for the reading and translating of Latin texts. The selected texts will focus on historical and mythological topics.
Teaching methods
This course has two interlinked, joint strands :
  • teaching of regular morphology (nominal and verbal) and the main structures in Latin ;
  • applying this theoretical teaching to a corpus of Latin phrases and a detailed examination of short extracts from authors.
A plan of the course is given out with further details at the beginning of the academic year.
This course involves :
1. lectures (30 hours) : theoretical and progressive presentation of the grammatical structures in Latin, and translation of short passages where these grammatical notions are applied. 
2. activities in small groups (practical) (30 hours) : the practical exercises will lead to the assimilation of the grammatical notions and to a gradual autonomy for analysing and translating short texts by using the suitable tools. 
3. a significant amount of individual work (40 hours) : regular acquisition of the Latin grammar, review of the lecture notes, preparations requested by the teaching team.
Evaluation methods
The course will be based on a continuous evaluation of the student's abilities in assimilating the main contents. Directly from the first weeks, these evaluations will focus on the command of the main morphological and lexical notions. and morphology. Gradually, they will include an active comprehension of the language through the translation of short passages.  

This written examination will be based both on the activities in the practical sessions (30 % of the final mark) and on an overall written exam held at the end of the semester (70% of the final mark), which will evaluate: 1) the command of the student in the grammatical analyse of nominal, adjectival and verbal forms; 2) the assimilation of a basic vocabulary ; 3) the ability to translate short textual passages already analysed during the class and to justify their grammatical structures; 4) the ability to translate in autonomy a short textual passage which will not be seen during the class.  
If the pass mark is not reached, a written exam on the whole subject will be held in June and/or September; only the exam mark will be taken into account for these sessions.
Online resources
Files used during the classes are available on Moodle :
  • C. MEYERSON-DETHOOR & G. SCHOUPPE (coll. D. LONGREE e.a.), Index: Manuel de vocabulaire et dictionnaire latin, 5e éd. revue, Louvain-la-Neuve, De Boeck, 2018, 277 p.
  • M. LAVENCY & A.-M. BOXUS, Clavis. Grammaire latine pour la lecture des auteurs, 4e éd., Louvain-la-Neuve, De Boeck, 2017, 273 p. 
  • M. DE GIVE, Grammaire latine, 15e éd., 4e tir., Louvain-la-Neuve, De Boeck, 2015, 307 p.
  • A. MEURANT & A.-M. BOXUS, « Ad honorem per ardorem ». Manuel de latin à l'usage des grands débutants, 2e éd., Bruxelles, Safran, 2012, 272 p.
  • A. MEURANT & A.-M. BOXUS, « Ad honorem per ardorem ». Exercices de latin à l'usage des grands débutants, 2e éd., Bruxelles, Safran, 2012, 256 p. 
  • E. FAMERIE, A. BODSON & M. DUBUISSON, Méthode de langue latine. Lire, comprendre et traduire les textes latins, éd. revue, Paris, Armand Colin, 2019, 592 p.  
  • E. FAMERIE, La maîtrise du latin par la pratique. Exercices, versions et thèmes avec corrigés, Paris, Armand Colin, 2020, 537 p.
  • H.H. ORBERG, Lingua latina per se illustrata. 1. Familia romana, Montella, Accademia Vivarium Novum, 2017, 328 p. 
  • C. GERMAIN, Découvrir le latin avec la mythologie gréco-romaine. Grands débutants, Paris, Ellipses, 2022, 160 p.
Teaching materials
  • C. MEYERSON-DETHOOR & G. SCHOUPPE (coll. D. LONGREE e.a.), Index: Manuel de vocabulaire et dictionnaire latin, 5e éd. revue, Louvain-la-Neuve, De Boeck, 2018, 277 p.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Ancient Languages and Literatures : Classics

Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : General

Bachelor in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures

Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : Musicology

Minor in Medieval Studies

Minor in Antiquity: Egypt, Eastern World, Greece, Rome

Bachelor in religious studies

Bachelor in History

Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General