English as a foreign language (EFL) methodology

lgerm2522  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

English as a foreign language (EFL) methodology
5.00 credits
22.5 h + 35.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Meunier Fanny; Van de Vyver Julie (compensates Meunier Fanny);
The students are asked to do some further readings (articles, manuals, internet sites, etc.).
Main themes
1.The goals and objectives of the teaching of English as a foreign language;
2. The description and illustration of approaches, aids and teaching/learning techniques in the field of English as a foreign language;
3. The conception and critical discussion of teaching/learning sequences (including formative and summative testing).
The first part of the course (22.5 h) consists in lectures, whilst the first part of the seminar (15h) consists in workshops in which the students present lessons which are analyzed and discussed in connection with their teaching practice.
The second part of the seminar (20h) is devoted to the development of the required interactive competence, defined as follows:
- Reading comprehension. Being able to autonomously understand factual texts as well as specialised articles pertaining to the field of teaching and education. Level C2 of the Common European Framework ". Listening
- Comprehension.
1. Individual : Having no difficulty in understanding any kind of spoken language, whether live or broadcast, even when delivered at fast native speed, provided the student is given some time to get familiar with the accent.. Being able to understand audiovisual documents pertaining to the field of education.
2. Interactive : Being able to understand a natural conversation between several native speakers on a subject related to the field of teaching or education. Level C2 of the Common European Framework ".
- Speaking (main objective).
1. Individual : Being able to give a clearly developed presentation on a subject in the field of education or teaching, with only occasional reference to written notes. Being able to give a clear, detailed and extended description or account of a topic related to the field of education, integrating themes, developing particular points, and concluding appropriately..
2. Interactive :Being able to take part, unprepared, in a conversation on topics related to the field of education. Being able to prepare, organise, and manage a conversation class, alone or as part of a group. Being able to actively take part in a conversation in familiar situations, being able to present and defend personal opinions. Being able to communicate with such a degree of spontaneity and fluency that normal interaction with native speakers can occur. Being able to take part in discussions about teaching and education in a fluent and efficient way. Being able to skilfully relate one's own contributions to those of other speakers. Level C1 of the Common European Framework".
- Writing : Being able to write messages related to the field of education, and take part in an internal web-based discussion forum. Level C1 of the Common European Framework.
- Code. Students should have full command of the functions of language, and of simple and complex grammatical structures, they should use a wide range of vocabulary (both general and specific). Pronunciation and intonation must not impede spontaneous and easy communication. Particular focus will be put on "classroom language ".
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 The students should acquire the knowledge, the skills and know-how as well as the existential competence necessary to teach English as a foreign language. The students should demonstrate a high level of communicative competence in the target language.
The goals and objectives of the teaching of English as a foreign language ; the description and illustration of approaches, aids and teaching/learning techniques in the field of English as a foreign language ; the conception and critical discussion of teaching/learning sequences (including formative and summative testing) ;
The course section (volume 1) focusses on methods and approaches used in ELT at upper-secondary school level.
The volume 2 section consists in two subsections :
  • a seminar devoted to the preparation and discussion of teaching units by students (thereby putting into practice the guidelines seen in the volume 1 section)
  • a communicative competence section which will take the form of workshops in which the students present lessons which are analyzed and discussed in connection with their teaching practice and of sessions in which students will take part in a variety of activities enabling them to practise and improve their communication skills and their command of the (mainly spoken) language. A few examples of situations or activities onclude: debates and discussions. role plays. short lectures. lessons taught. self-study of grammar and vocabulary. self study of "classroom language". Before each activity the students will receive a range of tools (communication techniques, language functions, general and specialised vocabulary, grammatical reminders...) and resources (written and audiovisual documents, web sites...), which will enable them to be fully efficient in the activities organised, provided they have taken the trouble to prepare those activities carefully. Feedback will be given and remedial exercises may be suggested. Clear, detailed instructions will be given to the students before each activity.
Teaching methods
Course materials. Variety of document types available on Moodle. Syllabus for the communicative competence section.
Courses and seminars will be given face-to-face (or via TEAMS in case of necessity - as for example in case of a health crisis like COVID).
Evaluation methods
Course part (vol 1: 22h30) and Seminar part (vol 2: 15h) : oral exam in June. The exam will consist in the oral presentation and discussion of a written teaching/learning sequence (updated version of the version presented in the seminar) together with a discussion of some of the aspects tackled during the vol. 1 section of the course. This part of the exam will count for 65% of the final exam mark.
Communicative competence part (vol 2: 20h): The oral exam for communicative competence will reflect the situations and activities covered in class. The students' communicative competence will be assessed, as well as their knowledge of the course notes (vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and " classroom language "). Final assessment will also take account of the work done during the semester. (continuous assessment). This part of the exam will count for 35% of the final exam mark.
/!\ Students who get a grade lower than 10/20 for volume 1 or volume 2 will fail this course overall. Students who have to resit the June exam (September session) need to redo the exam parts for which they did not get 10/20 in June or the parts for which they were absent.
Online resources
Moodle website
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
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Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Modern Languages and Literatures : German, Dutch and English

Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General