Latin III B

lglor1332  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Latin III B
5.00 credits
45.0 h + 45.0 h
Q1 and Q2

  This biannual learning unit is not being organized in 2023-2024 !

Meunier Nicolas;
LGLOR1230 Latin II
The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
In-depth study of classical Latin grammar, mainly syntax, with a linguistic approach (origin and evolution of the structures of the language).
Both Level III courses (A and B) will cover a selection of chapters related to the syntax of the simple and complex sentence.
In addition, the student will learn additional vocabulary and translate short texts (versions) and long texts (cursive).
In the Latin III course, the following topics will be covered (the list is not exhaustive)
- Case syntax (advanced level)
- The value of verbal moods and tenses in main clauses
- Indirect speech
- Indefinite pronouns
In parallel, students will read independently one Latin text per term (cursive readings). This year, it will be significant extracts from the works of Ovid and Livy.
Teaching methods
Alternating interactive class sessions and practical work.
Evaluation methods
The evaluation of the learning outcomes will take place as follows:
- Regular tests during practical work sessions, which will be worth one fifth of the final grade. In case of failure in this part, a complementary test (version) will have to be presented at the September session. Attendance at the practical sessions is required: in the event of unjustified absence from more than 3 sessions or failure to present for the tests and evaluated versions, the teacher may, in accordance with article 72 of the RGEE, propose to the jury that it oppose the registration of a student in the June or September session.
- Written test of theoretical knowledge and practical skills (including theme and version). This test will be worth two fifths of the final mark. It will take place in the June or September exams session.
- Oral test to check mastery of cursive reading. This test will be worth two fifths of the final mark. It is spread over the two sessions of January (partial examination, 1/5 of the final mark) and June (1/5 of the final mark). Article 82 of the RGEE applies: “If the student does not sit the examination in June, he or she loses the benefit of the partial examination. If the student has not reached the pass mark for the January partial examination, he or she will sit an examination on the entire examination at the June session. In any case, in September, the examination covers the whole test.”
- IMPORTANT: The written and oral tests are two integrated parts of the final grade. Successful completion of both parts is essential to demonstrate the skills and knowledge defined in the learning outcomes of the course unit. Overall success therefore presupposes the successful completion of both the oral and written parts. If the pass mark is not reached in one of these two parts, it will ipso facto not be reached for the whole test.
Online resources
Course webpage available on Moodle (Moodle UCLouvain)
Quelques ouvrages de référence (liste non exhaustive) :
Vocabulaire :
  • Meyerson C. et Schouppe G., Index. Manuel de vocabulaire et dictionnaire de latin, 5e éd., Louvain-la-Neuve : De Boeck, 2018.
  • Etienne G., Cahier de vocabulaire latin, 20e éd., Louvain-la-Neuve : De Boeck, 2019.
  • Cauquil G. et Guillaumin J.-Y., Vocabulaire essentiel de latin, Paris : Hachette, 1992.
Grammaire :
  • Boxus A.-M. et Lavency M., Clauis. Grammaire latine pour la lecture des auteurs, 4e éd., Bruxelles : De Boeck & Larcier, 2004.
  • Cart A., Grimal P., Lamaison J. et Noiville R., Grammaire latine, nouv. éd., Paris : Nathan, 2007.
  • De Give M., Grammaire latine, 15e éd., Bruxelles : De Boeck, 2011.
  • Lavency M., Usus. Grammaire latine, 2e éd., Louvain-la-Neuve : Peeters, 1997.
  • Michel J., Grammaire de base du latin, Anvers : De Sikkel, 1969.
  • Bizos M. et Desjardins J., Cours de thème latin, nouv. tirage, Paris, 1997.
  • Cart A., Grimal P., Lamaison J. et Noiville R., Le latin et les auteurs latins. Classe de quatrième, Paris, 1969.
  • Dickey E., Learn Latin from the Romans: a complete introductory course using textbooks from the Roman Empire, Cambridge: CUP, 2018.
  • Famerie E., Bodson A. et Dubuisson M., Méthode de langue latine. Lire, comprendre et traduire les textes latins, nouv. éd. revue et augmentée, Paris, 2019.
  • Famerie E., La maîtrise du latin par la pratique, Paris, 2020.
Pour aller plus loin :
  • Ernout A. et Thomas F., Syntaxe latine, 2e éd., Paris : Klincksieck, 2002 [1953].
  • Pinkster H., The Oxford Latin Syntax, t.1: The simple Clause; t.2: The Complex Sentence And Discourse, Oxford : OUP, 2015-2021.
  • Touratier C., Grammaire latine. Introduction linguistique à la langue latine, Paris : Armand-Colin, 2008.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Ancient Languages and Literatures : Classics

Bachelor in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures

Certificat universitaire en langue, littérature et civilisation latines

Minor in Antiquity: Egypt, Eastern World, Greece, Rome