Italian - Intermediate level

lital1300  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Italian - Intermediate level
9.00 credits
90.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Scarpa Laura (coordinator);
A2 Level of the Common European Framework of Reference is required.
Main themes
  • Revising basic skills in the context of communicative activities;
  • developing more complex functions such as expressing opinions and hypothesis;
  • improving both individual and interactive communicative skills;
  • developing listening comprehension skills.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

  1. understand description of events, feelings and wishes expressed mainly in high-frequency everyday language;
  2. read simple articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems;
  3. understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters (job, school, leisure etc.) ;
  4. understand the main points of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs when the delivery is relatively slow and clear;
  5. take part into a conversation on familiar subjects without previous preparation;
  6. give a clear, detailed description of events and experiences;
  7. explain his/her viewpoint on a topical issue.
At the end of the course: B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
In the first weeks of the course the most important structures and functions of the language are soundly revised in the context of communicative activities. Subsequently, more complex structures and functions are presented (such as the expression of personal opinions, wishes, hypothesis etc.). Information on Italy, the Italian culture and society will be integrated in the material.
Teaching methods
The method gets its inspiration from the notional/functional approach and is mainly centered on developing communicative oral skills, not disregarding some forms of written skills like informal messages, formal letters, short news etc.
Hier are some activities in the classroom:
  • activities of anticipation and description based on images, textes or short videos;
  • conversations in pairs or small groups on topical subjects;
  • simple role plays on a given situation;
  • drills in the language lab or online;
  • listening comprehension activities (by means of audio and video material)
Moreover, in the first term each student will be asked to create his/her own language portfolio (language activities chosen by the student and approuved by the teacher, to be performed outside the course timetable: language tandem, Italian film or tv series, books or comics, art exhibitions etc.) The language Portfolio will be included in the final assessment.
Evaluation methods
The first term assessment includes the presentation of the individual Language Portfolio (to the class or the teacher), an oral interaction activity (to be defined at the beginning of the course) as well as a written test on the main points of the language presented during the Q1 (points distribution: 3  for Language portfolio, 7 for the oral interaction, 10 for the written test). The score for the Q1 assessment represents 40% of the final score.
The Language Portfolio will consist of at least 2 extra-syllabus activities, which must get teacher’s approval.
The second term assessment includes a written test on the main language aspects presented during the second term, and a short video production on themes related to the course. (points distribution: 10 pts vidéo production, 10 pts written test). The score for the Q2 assessment represents 60% of the final score.
In the third exam session, assessment will be both written and oral. The written test will cover the most important language and grammar points presented during the whole course. For the oral assessment, each student will present a theme of personal interest to be discussed with the teacher.
NB: students who have not yet presented their Portfolio and/or their video production, will do that during the third exam session.
Points distribution for the third exam session: 10 points for the written test and 10 points for the oral activities.
Formative assessments will take place during the course. Their results will not affect the final score.
Other information
Office hours will take place on appointment, either face-to-face or on Teams. Please contact the teacher by e-mail only to make an appointement.
Online resources
  • Learning material (syllabus and extra materials) will be available in Moodle
  • Références : the teacher will advise the students on links and tools to improve their learning activities
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Information and Communication