Assessment and rehabilitation and of written language disorders

llogo1322  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Assessment and rehabilitation and of written language disorders
4.00 credits
15.0 h + 15.0 h
Van Reybroeck Marie;
Main themes
Through clinical case studies of children and adolescents with problems of the dyslexia-dysorthography kind, 'at risk' pre-reading children, and children and adolescents with problems in reading, the following topics are covered in this course: demand analysis, selection of appropriate tests for anamnesis and complaints, analysis of results, formulation of diagnostic hypotheses, design of therapy using various techniques, checking the effectiveness and specific features of the intervention. This course is linked with the course on Oral language : examination methods.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 To learn the framework underlying the methodology for intervention in oral language by providing the relevant theoretical knowledge whilst also being aware of the limits of this knowledge. To learn how to communicate information in a precise and structured way, adapting it to different people encountered in clinical practice.
Through clinical case studies of children and adolescents with dyslexia-dysorthographia, 'at risk' pre-reading children, and children and adolescents with reading comprehension disorders, the following contents are covered:
  • Anamnesis and analysis of the request
  • Evaluation: selection of appropriate tests according to the anamnesis, correction, quantitative and qualitative analysis, interpretation
  • Formulation of diagnostic hypotheses
  • Treatment: elaboration and planning of the treatment project using various techniques, evaluation of the effectiveness of the intervention.
The contents will concern the following language levels: reading prerequisites, phonological decoding, orthographic processing, reading comprehension, lexical and grammatical spelling.
Teaching methods
Interactive course; Computer-based clinical case studies that require preparation work; Individual work of assessment of a child's written language
Evaluation methods
The modalities for the evaluation are as follows: written examination counting for 18 points/20 with open questions. Individual work of evaluation of a child counting for 2 points/20.
Other information
Additional support : website
Other : compulsory attendance and weekly work
Online resources
Teaching materials
  • The course material includes slides, articles and various documents related to the children evaluation
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Psychology and Education : Speech and Language Therapy