Internship and Career development

llsmd2915  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Internship and Career development
10.00 credits
30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Meurens Pierre; Olieslagers Ruben;
Professional integration activity
Main themes
The main themes as a process
The aim of this learning activity is to make the internship experience a learning moment in the university curriculum and an opportunity to reflect on the role of the future professional.
Themes: Role and positioning of the trainee, teamwork, personal development, professional project, influence and interpersonal relations, ethical issues of practice.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 This teaching unit contributes to the development and acquisition of the following skills:
  1. Acting as a socially responsible actor: developing intellectual independence, making ethical decisions
  2. Working in a team, understanding and positioning your personal role
  3. Developing oneself: managing one's work autonomously, knowing oneself better
At the end of this teaching unit, the student will be able to:
  • Identify his/her specific motives, drives, values and aspirations.
  • Get specific information about work contexts, professional sectors and organisational functions.
  • Consider a first professional project.
  • Start to build his/her professional network.
  • Identify the gaps between the acquired competences in the internship and the expected competences of the LSM Competency framework.
  • The student's fields of interest in terms of occupations, functions, sectors and contexts of professional activity.
  • Personal resources: work experience, internships, specific skills and competences, networking, ...
  • Personal aspirations and lifestyle.
  • The process of connecting with the world of work: reflective integration of aspirations, interests and resources, drafting of the resume, use of channels for contacting potential employers, meetings with professionals, possible immersions in the reality of work, ...
  • Updating and development of new resources, through documentation on jobs, companies, enrichment of the professional address book, etc.
Teaching methods
  • Internship.
  • Online information session, downloadable by students.
  • Meeting with professionals.
  • Personal initiatives to search for information.
  • Review of experiences.
  • Coaching / Mentoring.
  • Personal learning feedback.
Evaluation methods
  • During the whole academic year.
  • Continuous assessment based on activities to be carried out during the year by the student.
  • Formative assessment (by peers), based on students' productions.
  • Final certificate assessment (peer assessment), based on student production.
  • Feedback provided by the internship supervisor.
  • The internship is an integral part of the LLSMD2915 Stage et Développement de carrière.
  • Failure to meet the course requirements means meeting them in a later session.
  • The grade for the LLSMD2915 course can therefore only be validated if all course and internship requirements, as assessed, have been met.
By submitting an assignment for evaluation: 
  • you assert that it accurately reflects the facts and to do so you need to have verified the facts, especially if they originate from generative AI resources;
  • you assert that all your sources that go beyond common knowledge are suitably attributed. Common knowledge is what a knowledgeable reader can assess without requiring confirmation from a separate source;
  • you assert that you have respected all specific requirements of your assigned work, in particular requirements for transparency and documentation of process, or have explained yourself where this was not possible.
If any of these assertions are not true, whether by intent or negligence, you have violated your commitment to truth, and possibly other aspects of academic integrity. This constitutes academic misconduct.
Other information
Different guest speakers invited via Career Path activities
Teaching materials
  • Exercises and tests on MoodleUCLouvain
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] : Business Engineering

Master [120] in Management