
llsmg2002  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

5.00 credits
30.0 h + 10.0 h
de Moerloose Chantal;
Main themes
The course covers 9 chapters of the reference work (Lambin & de Moerloose, 2021):
• Ch. 1. Marketing in the economy,
• Ch. 3. Understanding the customer,
• Ch. 4. Buyer behavior,
• Ch. 5. Marketing information,
• Ch. 6. Segmentation,
• Ch. 7. Analysis of the attractiveness of segments,
• Ch. 8. Analysis of competitiveness in the segments,
• Ch. 9. Targeting and positioning,
• Ch. 10. Choosing a marketing strategy
Teaching methods
1. The theoretical course is given two hours each week (presence is mandatory). The theoretical concepts are accompanied by illustrations of business cases and lectures by external speakers. During the course, exercises and case studies are also proposed; they will sometimes be worked on during the course.
2. The business simulation game, Markstrat, carried out in groups, makes it possible to integrate the concepts into a concrete application. It is necessary to plan 2 to 4 hours per week of teamwork for this simulation.
Evaluation methods
The exam is individual, it weighs 70% of the points. It is organized into exam sessions. It covers theoretical knowledge and its practical application (cases, articles, etc.). This exam is written, but if the number of students justifies it, the professor could decide to transform the written exam into an oral one (face-to-face or remotely, via Teams for example)
The Markstrat report is defended as a team, but the grade can be individualized. It weighs 30% of the points. It will be defended orally, based on a written report, at the end of the semester. The grade obtained at the end of the semester is final up to and including the September session of the same academic year. Presence AND activity at these sessions is compulsory and controlled. An insufficient attendance rate (see course outline) may lead to a downgrading of the individual mark, or even to cancellation.
In the event of a second session, the student therefore keeps his Markstrat grade (whatever it is) and can only take the individual exam which weighs 70% of the total.
Bisseur students whose Markstrat grade has been deemed sufficient (see course outline) will be exempted from this part of the course and their exam will count for 100% of the overall assessment. Those who have not been exempted from it no longer play the simulation, but do individual work on the basis of data from an old simulation, with an oral defense in December which will count for 30% of the final evaluation. 
Everything takes place in French
Other information
1. The course is given in French. Assessments as well. The passive knowledge of English is necessary.
2. This course is part of a full-time daytime degree (GEST2M1). Attendance at class is mandatory, it will sometimes be checked (eg during conferences).
3. The Markstrat grade, acquired by the team at the end of the semester, can be individualized according to the work of each member of the team. Presence at all the group work sessions, decided within the group and at exercise sessions is essential. Failure to participate in these activities for reasons that are not academically acceptable (eg a professional activity) may cause the student to be unregistered from his work group and the award of a zero mark for this part. The Markstrat score obtained is definitive until the September session because the simulation is not the subject of a second session.
4. Optional activities may be offered (depending on their availability): (a) interactive tests and exercises on the course's Moodle platform (b) The "Discover Marketing" MOOC ( /discover-marketing)
5. The following prior knowledge is assumed to have been mastered: A good review of end-of-secondary mathematics is useful (standard deviation, derivatives, logarithms, etc. and weighted average), as well as basics in economics (supply/demand, elasticity, perfect competition, …) and in finance (difference between turnover and profit, between price and cost, notion of inflation, interest, compound interest …). Passive fluency in English, Microsoft Excel (creation of bubble charts) and Power Point are also prerequisites for the presentation of Markstrat work.
6. The other terms and conditions are detailed in the course outline, available on Moodle. The student must consult them at the beginning of the course.
     LAMBIN, Jean-Jacques, & de MOERLOOSE, Chantal (2021). Le Marketing Stratégique et Opérationnel. 10° éd. Dunod. 
Teaching materials
  • LAMBIN J.J., de MOERLOOSE Ch. (2021) Le Marketing Stratégique et Opérationnel. 10° Edition. Malakoff, Dunod.
  • Manuel Markstrat et accès (payant) au logiciel. Une bourse est possible.
  • Site Moodle LLSMG2002
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [60] in Management