Digital Marketing

llsms2008  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Digital Marketing
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Schuiling Isabelle;
1 basic marketing course
Main themes
This course will tackle the new challenges that marketers have to meet in the new and changing digital landscape.  This new digital landscape has a major impact on the way firms have to deploy their marketing strategies and structure their organization. The needs of consumers have changed and it is more difficult to satisfy them than before. Moreover, firms cannot communicate to consumers in a traditional way, they have to converse with them via new digital tools. Firms also have to understand the new consumer decision journey and be in contact with the consumer wherever he is, on whatever support he uses and at any moment of the day. The proliferation of new data from the web will also help to design a good marketing strategy for the brand.
The objectives of the course are to:
  • Review the latest changes impacting the marketing strategy of a company (situation analysis, segmentation and positioning).
  • Understand the new consumer decision journey and key digital metrics that can help better understand consumers and competitors.
  • Be able to develop a marketing plan taking into account traditional and digital marketing tools.
This course will help students understand how to develop a marketing strategy in a rapidly changing digital landscape. 
The new digital environment had a major impact on consumers’ habits and needs. As a result, the way to understand, communicate and reach consumers has dramatically changed. Companies have now to stay in contact with the consumer wherever he is, on whatever devices he uses and at any moment of the day. Social networks and other digital channels have changed the way to reach this consumer. Traditional marketing is over and a series of new marketing concepts have to be understood to be effective in this new environment.
Moreover, marketing has never been so analytical with data generated via different digital channels. Companies need to be able to manage, analyze and take actions on this data to better answer more complex consumer needs. This has an impact on the way companies have to manage and structure their marketing department.  
The course will help students to 1) Understand how marketing has changed in light of the new digital environment, 2) Review how to develop a marketing strategy in this new digital landscape and 3) Learn how to design a marketing plan taking into account opportunities from new digital tools.
  1. Marketing revolution in the new digital landscape
  2. Impact of the digital changes on strategic marketing
  3. The new consumer decision journey
  4. Key digital metrics
  5. Digital media channels
  6. Search Engine marketing
  7. Social media marketing
  8. Other digital channels
  9. Accelerating marketing execution
  10. Big data, artificial intelligence and privacy.
Teaching methods
Lectures, case studies; teamwork assignments. Conferences  with marketers from the new digital world will be organized.
Evaluation methods
  • First session: The course will be evaluated based on a team project (30%) and on an individual exam (70%).  
  • If the teamwork assignment is not delivered, students will not have completed the requirements of the course and will be given an “Absent” for the first session.
Malus points will be attributed (up to 3 points) if the individual work is not done on time, poorly done or due to the absence to the conferences.
  • Second session: same as the first session. If the June result is <10/20, the students will need to rework the group project if it is <10/20 and retake the exam if the exam is <10/20. The course will still be evaluated the same way, based on the team project (30%) and on the individual exam (70%) and the malus points will continue to be integrated in the final mark.
Reference book:
Syllabus available on Moodle
And not compulsory: DIGITAL MARKETING, CHAFFEY AND CHADWICK, 7th edition. 2020 Pearson
Additional references on the topic  will be communicated later to the students
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Management

Master [60] in Management

Master [120] : Business Engineering

Master [120] in Management

Master [120] : Business Engineering