Dutch for Arts Students - Intermediate level

lneer1212  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Dutch for Arts Students - Intermediate level
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Bufkens Hilde (coordinator);
Professional integration activity
This teaching unit is the continuation of the teaching unit LNEER1111 and as such supposes that the student has attained the level B1- of the 'Common European Framework of Reference for Languages'.

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
General topics related and themes linked to the student's domains of study.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Reading comprehension - listening comprehension : at the end of this teaching unit, the student will be able to understand  with a satisfactory level of autonomy written or spoken and recorded texts concerned with contemporary and field-related subjects.Level B2-
2 Speaking Skills : at the end of this teaching unit, the student will be able to express his/her opinions, to present briefly but clearly and fluently a field-related subject and  to keep  a conversation with a native speaker on a familiar topic or on a topic related to his/her field of specialization.Level B1
3 Writing skills : at the end of this teaching unit, the student will be able to produce simple connected text on topics, which are familiar or of personal interest.Level B1-
4 Culture  :  at the end of this teaching unit the student has a knowledge of Dutch and Flemish cultural aspects and is able to use the appropriate strategies to establish contacts with native speakers.
This Teaching Unit aims at
  • developing the student's receptive skills by the input of written and spoken texts ;
  • developing the student's ability to express his point of view and speak about a chosen subject in public ;
  • developing the student's writing skills by the redaction of formal letters and summaries of films ;
  • broadening the student's knowledge and view of the Dutch culture by the organization of one excursion to Flanders or the projection of a movie. Subject to the health context and the number of students enrolled, this excursions will be replaced by Powerpoint presentations about Flanders and oral activities related to these powerpoints.
Teaching methods
The Teaching Unit consists of classroom activities as well as a-learning activities.
The more general vocabulary and the field-related vocabulary will be presented in written as well as audio texts used to exercise the reading and listening comprehension techniques .
The vocabulary and the typical structures of the Dutch language will be revised, extended and tested by means of self-tuition in a Reading Portfolio and on the Moodle e-learning Platform.  Some techniques of communication will be exercised by means of written and oral production exercise (role plays, presentations).
Evaluation methods
  • Continuous assessment in term I and II = 20 % :active participation to the lessons, homework, short individual presentations etc.
  • Written test at the end of each term : code (grammar and vocabulary) and reading comprehension at the end of q1 (30% for the totality of the year but 60 % for q1) ; listening comprehension, writing, structure and vocabulary in q2 (60% for q2 but 30% for the year) . The totality of the 2  written exams represent 60% of the marks of the year.
  • Individual oral presentation during term 1 will represent 30 % of the marks for term 1
  • An individual oral exam : at the end of term II = 15 %. for the totality of the year. The student will be able to talk about the different texts of a reading file and assess (give a summary and an appreciation) the presentations of the other students.
  • Oral presentation in groups of 2 or 3 students at the end of term II = 15 % for the totality of the year. Those presentations will deal about different subjects chosen by the students, related to their field of study in concertation with the teacher.
Depending on the health context and the availability of auditoriums, paper-based evaluations can be deferred to the January and June sessions and can be done on pc (Moodle, Teams, ...) 
Warning: We apply the "absorbent absence" system. All parts of the tests are compulsory. If the student is absent (without official proof) for one of the parts of the evaluation (except formative tests), this will imply an “absence” mark for the entire evaluation. A student who has not taken part of this assessment will therefore be prohibited from enrolling in the other parts of the assessment. If the student does not pass the January test or hand in a medical certificate, he / she must take the exam again in the August session. Attendance at the course (face-to-face and / or distance learning) is compulsory. If the teacher considers it useful, she could suggest that the jury oppose registration for the course exam for a student who has not regularly followed the learning activities (RGEE - art . 72) During the August session, the student is required to complete an assignment and present an oral exam, the criteria of which will be defined by the teacher. Permanent assessment marks will only be taken into account if this is to the benefit of the student. If the health situation (or other crisis situation) does not allow a permanent assessment (for example following a switch to distance education), then: The activities and tasks would be adapted to allow work at home and the delivery of it remotely. Orals would take place on Teams. The weighting of these different parts could therefore be slightly modified.
Other information
  • Training staff : classes in group of 15-20 students
  • The teacher is available during his/her office hours and can be contacted by email
  • Workload :
    60 classroom hours
    90 hours (self-study including e-learning)
  • Syllabus 'Nederlands voor studenten Letteren en wijsbegeerte-Intermediair niveau'
  • Dutch for Arts students- Intermediate level'
  • Syllabus LNEER1212
  • Plate-forme d'auto-apprentissage Moodle
  • Dossier de lecture accompagné d'exercices
Teaching materials
  • Syllabus 'Nederlands voor studenten Letteren en wijsbegeerte-Intermediair niveau'
  • Dutch for Arts students- Intermediate level'
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : General

Bachelor in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures

Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : Musicology

Bachelor in Philosophy

Bachelor in History