Subatomic, atomic and molecular physics - Subatomic physics

lphys1344a  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Subatomic, atomic and molecular physics - Subatomic physics
3.00 credits
21.0 h + 15.0 h
Delaere Christophe; Génévriez Matthieu; Lauzin Clément;
It is recommended that students master the notions of quantum physics as developed in the course LPHYS1241. Having followed LPHYS1342 and having followed and passed LPHYS1231 are assets.
Main themes
This teaching unit consists of an introduction to subatomic, atomic and molecular physics. It discusses the experimental foundations of these three disciplines and introduces the main models associated with them. The relationship between experiment (and associated experimental methods) and the theoretical understanding of observed phenomena is emphasized. Different concepts are discussed, such as the life time and the interaction cross section, to account for the phenomena that take place within these bound systems (nucleus, atom or molecule). The description of these interactions by means of potentials (sometimes effective) of interaction or average potentials is introduced as a common denominator for all three sections of this teaching unit.
In particular :
  • In subatomic physics, discoveries at the origin of a consistent description of the processes of strong and weak nuclear interactions are presented (discovery of the electron, nucleus and neutron, cosmic rays, muons, pions). The concepts of binding energy are then described together with a brief introduction to the liquid drop model, the layered model, and the Yukawa potential. The elementary particles that constitute these systems are then introduced very succinctly (without necessarily starting a mathematical description of the fundamental interactions between these elementary particles).
  • In atomic physics, after a brief review of the quantum description of the hydrogen atom, the Hartree-Fock model, the configuration interaction and the fine and hyperfine coupling are introduced more precisely. We introduce Einstein coefficients and multipolar radiative transitions. This description is extended to iso-electronic series and negative ions.
  • In molecular physics, we introduce the Born-Oppenheimer approximation and we give an introduction to the description of the different degrees of freedom, rotation and vibration, and their mutual interactions.
  1. Basic concepts
    1. Brief history of nuclear and particle physics
    2. Relativity and antiparticles
    3. Space-time symmetries and conservation laws
    4. Interactions and Feynman diagrams
    5. Particle exchange: forces and potentials
    6. Observable quantities: cross-sections and decay rates
  2. Nuclear phenomenology
    1. Mass spectroscopy
    2. Nuclear shapes and sizes
    3. Semi-empirical mass formula: the liquid drop model
    4. Nuclear instability
    5. Decay chains 
    6. β decay phenomenology
    7. Fission
    8. γ decays
    9. Nuclear reactions
  3. Particle phenomenology
    1. Leptons
    2. Quarks
    3. Hadrons
Teaching methods
The learning activities consist of lectures, exercises, and practical work.
The lectures are intended to introduce the fundamental concepts, to motivate them by showing examples and establishing results, to show their reciprocal links and their relations with the different parts associated with this teaching unit, and to establish links with the rest of the teaching units of the Bachelor in Physical Sciences.
The practical work sessions aim to learn to use the ideas and formalism developed in subatomic physics in order to explain the results of experiments carried out in specific laboratory session or described in the framework of the lectures.
The laboratories carried out during specific practical session or the descriptions of past experiences, aim to give an introduction to experimental methods in these disciplines and to validate the theoretical concepts seen during the course or the establishment of theoretical concepts following the observation made in the laboratory.
Evaluation methods
The assessment takes the form of an oral exam, preceded by a preparation time.
Other information
Following the sanitary conditions, the modalities of the teaching AND the examination could be reassessed according to the situation and the rules in force.
Online resources
Various resources (slides and related documents) are put online via the MoodleUCL platform.
Brian R. Martin, Graham Shaw, "Nuclear and Particle Physics: An Introduction", 3rd Edition, ISBN: 978-1-119-34461-2.
K. S. Krane, "Introductory Nuclear Physics", 3rd edition, ISBN: 978-0-471-80553-3.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in Physics