Sacrements : Approche liturgique et pastorale

lreli1282  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Sacrements : Approche liturgique et pastorale
5.00 credits
30.0 h

  This biannual learning unit is not being organized in 2023-2024 !

Chevalier Catherine;
Main themes
In order to achieve its set objectives, the course will tackle the issues facing sacramental practice and reflection today in the wake of the liturgical reform initiated by the Second Vatican Council and the challenges of secularization and unity of Christians.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 - to use the instruments of work, especially the rituals resulting from the liturgical reform, concerning the sacraments;
- to situate the liturgical and pastoral issues of current sacramental practices.
According to the Bachelor's Degree in Religious Sciences:
A. to master the knowledge to explain Christianity in its cultural environment according to theological disciplines;
A.3. to understand and explain the liturgical and pastoral situation of a Christian community;
A. 5. to understand and interpret historical and juridical sources relating to the Christian Faith;
2 B. To use appropriate concepts to develop theological reflection;
B.4. To perceive the complementarity of the theological disciplines of positive theology, systematic theology and practical theology;
3 D. To develop a personal theological reflection and critical thinking;
D.3. To distinguish between the theological analysis of an issue or situation and a commonsense analysis.
D.4. to equip oneself to promote self-learning and personal development throughout life.
After a general introduction which will concentrate on the implementation of the liturgical reform initiated by the Council, the course will proceed through general themes. For each theme, the corresponding liturgical rituals will be used. The thems "Baptism and Confirmation" will address the issue of initiation from the point of view of the renewal brought about by the liturgical approach to the catechumenate of adults. The theme "Eucharist" will relate the practice of the Eucharist to the major options of the liturgical renewal. The dossier "Sacrament of Reconciliation" will focus on the issues of new rituals and the difficulties encountered in its implementation. The "anointing of the sick" theme will pay attention to the passage from the "extreme unction" to the "anointing of the sick". Concerning ordinations, the course will focus on the ecclesiological issues of the choices made by the new ritual. Finally, for the "sacrament of marriage", the new ritual and reflection on the preparation of this sacrament will be studied.
Teaching methods
The course will consist in lectures, personal work on biblical and historical texts as well as on contemporary liturgical documents to develop students' analytical skills and their liturgical and theological sensitivity.  Students will also have to observe a celebration of the Eucharist which will be discussed in a class session.
Evaluation methods
Students who take the class in class will be evaluated on the basis of three exercises:
  • a report of the observation of a Eucharistic liturgy (20%) ;
  • for each theme, a short reading of liturgical or pastoral texts will be requested, together with some questions (20%) ;
  • an oral exam on a liturgical pastoral question, based on a personal rereading of the course (60%0).
Except for students who only follow the distance learning course, attendance is compulsory. In case of three or more unjustified absences from class sessions, the course cannot be validated. (Compliance with health regulations may of course lead to justified absences; it will also be possible to follow the course online on Teams).
Students who follow the course online will be evaluated on the basis of three exercises :
  • Reading a book on the Eucharist (in the bibliography) and the book of Michel Scouarnec, Les symboles chrétiens. Les sacrements ne sont pas étranges, Paris, 1998 (Vivre – Croire – Célébrer) (20%) ;
  • a report of the observation of a Eucharistic liturgy (20%) ;
  • an exam of the entire course, based on questions given in advance (60%).
Online resources
On Moodle
Louis-Marie Chauvet, Le corps chemin de Dieu. Les sacrements, Paris, 2010
Paul De Clerck, Vivre et comprendre la messe, Paris, Cerf, 2016
Arnaud Join-Lambert , Guide pour comprendre la messe, Paris, 2002
Service national de pastorale liturgique et sacramentelle, 59 questions sur l'eucharistie : repères pour les pratiques eucharistiques, Paris, Cerf, 2000 (Guides Célébrer 6).
Bernard Sesboüé, Invitation à croire. 2. Des sacrements crédibles et désirables, Paris, 2009
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Certificat universitaire en théologie (fondements)

Minor in Christian Theology

Bachelor in religious studies

Additionnal module in Religious Studies