Professional development seminar in sciences of religions

lsrel2940  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Professional development seminar in sciences of religions
2.00 credits
Q1 or Q2
Azaiez Mehdi (coordinator);
The professionalization seminar in Religious Studies, which begins in 2022-23, takes the form of an active participation in the work of the Intercultural Laboratory in Religious Studies, a joint initiative of the teachers and students of the MSREL, which puts the students of the Master's program, as well as other students of the University, in contact with associations of the civil society specialized in the dialogue between or with religions and beliefs. In the form of a Religious Studies Clinic, the students are brought to contribute by their research capacity to the pursuit of a project or a file in progress in these associations, with the pedagogical support of the MSREL teachers and of a mixed committee (students, teachers, actors) chaired by the director of the master.
In 2022-23, students will be involved in the implementation and launch of this Laboratory. Particular attention will be paid to the research method and the quality of the sources and academic literature mobilized.
Teaching methods
The seminar takes the form of an internal internship, where each student is accompanied in his or her own work. A collective meeting is organized every two weeks for the whole group (60h). Sub-groups set their own modalities, according to the solicitations of the actors of the civil society, under the supervision of the director of the master. The modalities will be built collectively in 2022-23.
Attendance is required.
Evaluation methods
An activity report will be produced by each student (50%). Active participation will also be assessed on an ongoing basis (50%).
Online resources
See the moodle website of the seminar LSREL2940 / LISR - Laboratoire intercultu(r)el de sciences des religions.
Hans Gustafson, Interreligious Studies: Dispatches from an Emerging Field, Baylor University Press, 2020
Julia Ipgrave, Interreligious Engagement in Urban Spaces: Social, Material and Ideological Dimensions, Springer, 2019
UNESCO, Mesurer le dialogue interculturel. Cadre conceptuel et technique, Paris, 2020
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Sciences of Religions