Christian theologies outside Europe I

ltheo2871  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Christian theologies outside Europe I
4.00 credits
30.0 h

This biannual learning unit is being organized in 2023-2024
Okpaleke Ikenna Paschal;
Main themes
To achieve that objective, one will propose: - the study of a specific question varying each year.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 have an openness to the main contemporary theological currents in Africa, Asia, America (North or South).
Until the beginning of the Second Vatican Council, the ecclesial reality in different parts of the world outside Europe was given little or no attention, but the conciliar reception in these continents has been one of the most dynamic, including for theology. Without placing theologies outside Europe in opposition to European theology, this course aims at exploring theological themes and thinking from the different global contexts. As such, it focuses on the predominant theological questions that define the contexts of the common search for God. Sampled from different continents, students are given introductory lessons on contextual theology with relevant topics from Africa, Asia, Australia, South America and North America. The topics for each weekly lesson are based on published works of theologians that reflect some of the central theological questions in each of the contexts as well as the methodologies that are applied. It is expected that the students would be well versed, at least at the introductory level of the theological contexts outside Europe and be well-equipped for a comparative or mutually enriching exercise with their European theological norms and questions.
Teaching methods
Content is organized into sessions: 
On the one hand, the teacher will give a few presentations on major themes as proposed by the course; on the other, registrants will be invited to give a few presentations and/or work in groups for greater interactivity.
Among the objectives of this course, we would like to highlight two:
Firstly, to provide students with an understanding of the concept, methodology and challenges of contextual theology particularly in the context of world Christianity.
Secondly, to demonstrate contextual ways of doing theology across the globe, with examples of Africa, Latin America, and Asia. The students will learn the predominant themes in these three contexts and familiarize themselves with the major scholars in these fields.
Bibliographie de base :
Maurice Cheza, Luis Martinez Saavedra et Pierre Sauvage. Dictionnaire historique de la théologie de lalibération. Les thèmes, les lieux, les acteurs. Namur/Paris: Lessius, 2017.
Suzanne Membe-Matale, “Ubuntu Theology,” The Ecumenical Review 67, no.2 (2015): 273-277.
Pedro Rubens. Discerner la foi dans des contextex religieux ambigus. Enjeux d’une théologie du croire. Paris, Cerf (coll. “Cogitagio Fidei” n° 235), 2004.
VATICAN II. L’Intégrale. Édition bilingüe révisée avec tables bibliques et analytiques et index des sources, Introduction de Chr. Theobald. Paris, Bayard, 2002.
Victor I. Ezigbo. The Art of Contextual Theology: Doing Theology in the Era of World Christianity. Eugene: Cascade Books, 2021.
Bibliographie plus élargie: voir au cours
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Theology

Master [120] in History

Master [60] in History

Master [120] in Sciences of Religions

Certificat universitaire en sciences des religions