
ltrad2000  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

5.00 credits
30.0 h
Colson Jean-Pierre;
The teaching unit provides an in-depth study of the field of translation studies.
It breaks down into four constituent parts:
(1)     Historical overview of translation studies and definition of the field;
(2)     Comparing different approaches to, as well as models and theories of, translation;
(3)     Discussion of ideas, issues and problems germane to translation studies;
 Introduction to different fields of application of translation studies;
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Contribution of teaching unit to learning outcomes assigned to programme
This unit contributes to the acquisition and development of the following learning outcomes, as assigned to the Master's degree in translation
2.3, 2.4, 2.5,
5.2, 5.5, 5.10,
7.1, 7.3
Specific learning outcomes on completion of teaching unit
On completion of this teaching unit the student will be able to:
·         Explicate, with reference to concrete examples, the principal concepts in the field of translation studies (metalanguage of translation);
·         Analytically compare different models, approaches, and theories around translation;
·         Synthesise, in writing or orally - and demonstrating critical discernment - a body of published scholarly work bearing on the field;   
·         Command the use of concepts in translation studies theory in critiquing the translation process generally and his or her own practice in particular (translation strategies and choices).
See Main themes
Teaching methods
The course (face-to-face or online) is based on concrete examples borrowed from literature, commercial language and audiovisual media. Students are invited to read papers and to take an active part in the analysis of translation issues. Course attendance is mandatory.
Evaluation methods
In June: the student takes a written exam or hands in an extended essay on a topic in Translation Studies. The student needs to get in touch with the lecturer by March 31 to say whether s/he wants to take the examination or write an extended essay (in which case s/he also needs to provide the selected topic and a short bibliography). In the extended essay, the student presents a critical discussion of a selection of articles recently published in TS journals and books, and makes explicit links with the course. The essay will have to be submitted at the start of the exam session, at the latest. Plagiarism in assessed work constitutes a serious breach of the University's disciplinary regulations. The lecturer will therefore use an anti-plagiarism software program when grading the extended essays.
In September: written examination or extended essay. The student needs to get in touch with the lecturer by July 10 to say whether s/he takes the written examination or writes an extended essay, which can be a revised and improved version of the essay submitted in June.
Other information
Online resources
Mathieu Guidère (2008). Introduction à la traductologie. Bruxelles : De Boeck.

Mona Baker & Gabriela Saldanha (2011) (eds). Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London : Routledge.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Translation