Final Master's Thesis

mlsmm2200  2023-2024  Mons

Final Master's Thesis
18.00 credits
Q1 and Q2
Professional integration activity
Students of the Master 120 in Management and in Business Engineering are required to complete a Final Master’s Thesis (18 credits) and participate in the seminar accompanying the Final Master’s Thesis (2 credits) designed to provide them with advice and generic bibliographic, methodological and editorial references useful for the realization of their Final Master’s Thesis.
Some students may be taught by the jury of the Final Master’s Thesis support seminar (and the Final Master’s Thesis will count for 20 credits) if they have already attended an equivalent seminar.
Main themes
Students have the opportunity to consult the subjects and themes of dissertations proposed by the professors of the LSM on the tools made available to them. Both students and promoters can initiate other themes. Then, the student and the promoter decide on the subject to be treated and define how to study it.
L’étudiant effectuera les recherches bibliographiques nécessaires à son travail, avec le soutien de son promoteur académique.
Dans la rédaction du mémoire, les étudiants sont tenus de respecter le Code de déontologie en matière d'emprunts, de citations et d'exploitation de sources diverses défini par le Conseil académique du 9 février 1998 (annexe 1). En particulier, il est de votre seule responsabilité d’étudiant d’éviter toute forme de plagiat 
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Management

Master [120] : Business Engineering

Master [120] in Management (with work-linked-training)