French - Speaking and pronunciation - Objective A1

lfran1003  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

French - Speaking and pronunciation - Objective A1
2.00 credits
15.0 h
  • not be a complete beginner,
  • have level A1.1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (A1 in progress).
Main themes
To reinforce basic skills in phonetics and oral production, the following topics are covered
Speaking: short dialogues from everyday life linked to the themes of the basic level. Identity, family, work/study, shopping, food, housing, local shops, transport, activities, leisure, tastes, cultural habits.
Pronunciation: the rhythm of spoken French, final stress, continuity, syllabification, intonation, sounds.
Phonetic objectives are progressively worked on in groups. Pronunciation will be worked on through short dialogues to memorise or through game activities.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

  • have improved their French pronunciation (sounds, rhythm, articulation, intonation),
  • respect the basic structure of the French sentence when speaking,
  • be more confident when interacting orally with others.
This one hour per week course is designed for non-French speaking students at level A1.1 and above (it is not suitable for complete beginners) who wish to improve their phonetic and oral production skills. The aim of this interactive course is to work on pronunciation in action, with the help of the group and the body. The body allows you to feel the rhythm of a language with your senses, not just your mind. Being active helps with memorisation, as opposed to sitting passively. Each week participants are given a short dialogue to memorise and/or a group activity to work on and memorise a pronunciation target. 
Using a variety of resources and aids, students are encouraged to develop strategies and an overall positive attitude towards French pronunciation.
Teaching methods
This interfaculty course is aimed at the international students and staff of UCLouvain. It encourages contact between students and interaction with the teacher. Based on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), the course takes into account the multiple intelligences of the students, with reflective, communicative and action-oriented tasks. The pedagogical approach is decidedly interactive and relies on collective intelligence.
The course takes place face-to-face, but some activities/sessions could be held on Teams if distance learning offers added pedagogical value.
Evaluation methods
Certification is made up of continuous assessment on the one hand and an examination performance during the semester on the other.
Continuous assessment (during the semester) : 50%.
  • Pronunciation test: 20%
  • Memorisation of a dialogue: 20%.
  • Completion of formative tasks (TV5Monde online exercises), attendance and active participation: 10%.
Continuous assessment tasks may not be submitted after the deadline set by the teacher, except in the case of a medical certificate.
Certifying assessment (final exam): 50%.
  • Written exam (fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, matching, true/false): 30%.
  • Oral examination (a dialogue to be memorised): 20%
Absence (justified or not) from the examination (or any part thereof) will result in a final mark of absence. Students who sit the final exam in August have the choice of sitting the failed skill(s) OR the whole exam if they wish to improve their grade. Students must explicitly inform their teacher of their choice no later than the first day of the session.
Other information
  • Opened only to the non-francophone students enrolled at UCLouvain as well as to the members of UCLouvain staff.
  • Class attendance is mandatory (75% min.)
Teaching materials
  • Plateforme Moodle. La clé d’inscription sera communiquée lors du premier cours.
  • Padlet collectif et cahier de production personnel (numérique ou papier)
Faculty or entity