Basic Modern Italian II

lrom1170  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Basic Modern Italian II
5.00 credits
15.0 h + 30.0 h
Giusto Carmela (compensates Maeder Costantino); Maeder Costantino;
LFIAL1750 (Basic Modern Italian I) or similar
Main themes
Students will further develop the basic knowledge acquired in course LFIAL1750 Basic Modern Italian I. Knowledge of grammar will be systematised and made functional.
At the end of the four-month period, students:
- will be familiar with normative grammar;
- will be able to write a text;
- will be able to express themselves in Italian;
- will have produced several written pieces of work on Italian authors or artists.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

  • Systematise the understanding of grammar.
  • Develop oral and writing skills.
  • Know the history of Italian language.
The course aims to enable students to work on their own initiative, drawing on the skills they have learned, by encouraging them to carry out research and to discover for themselves grammatical and pragmatic conventions that the teacher will later systematise. Students must carry out a number of tasks (written work, correcting texts, and research). Correction is personalised in order to make it possible to identify the real needs of each student.
Teaching methods
This course encourages students to learn independently. Intercomprehension enables students to discover Italian in an active way because of the close relationship between Romance languages and French, and also to develop metalinguistic knowledge. Students acquire grammar using methods such as focused noticing. Online exercise banks enable them to develop reflexes which can produce texts or keep a conversation going.
Through close supervision, students are helped to develop the independent learning required for this course.
Evaluation methods
The specificities of teaching a new language require the implementation of a cascading evaluation
Students are evaluated on the basis of two successive parts A and B, separated in time, one corresponding to a basic level and the other to an advanced level. Part A corresponds to the continuous evaluation of grammatical and lexical skills. Part B concerns the content of the lecture and the oral skills developed in the practical exercises.  
Part A: Continous assessments during the course. Students answer questions on the proficiency of the essential learning outcomes. The final grade for Part A - "Grammar and Vocabulary" - is the average of the grades obtained in the different course tests. The pass mark is set at 10/20.
June session:
Part B: Only those who have passed the part A are invited to answer questions on the proficiency of the learning outcomes: the evaluation consists of a written exam (lecture content) and an oral exam (TP content).
The final grade is the average of the three parts (grammar and vocabulary: 1/3, lecture content: 1/3, oral skills: 1/3).
Students who are not admitted to Part B receive the grade for Part A.
The modalities change in the second and third session.
Third session:
Written exam: two parts: 
- grammar and vocabulary (1/3 of the final grade) 
- inter-comprehension and lecture content (1/3). 
Oral exam on the content of the practical courses (1/3).
Other information
Programmes offering this activity ROM 1BA, ROGE 1BA, Minor in Italian studies
Manuel Capire
Teaching materials
  • Manuel "Capire". Ressource créée par le centre d'études italiennes
  • Exerciseurs en ligne - MOODLE
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in Italian Studies

Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General

Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : General