Mobility and/or Internationalisation outlook

info2m  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

Outgoing students

Since its creation, the Louvain School of Engineering (EPL) has participated in diverse exchange programs that were put into place at the European level and beyond.

Students are informed about study abroad opportunities at the end of their Bachelor’s degree programme, notably through intensive academic programmes like the BEST network. This network giives students an initial study abroad experience.

In addition, within the framework of the Erasmus/Mercator exchange programmes, students have the possibility of studying at a partner university for one year (two semesters) during the 1st year of the Master’s degree programme or 5 months (first semester) in the 2nd year of the Master’s degree programme. To this end, the EPL participates in different study abroad networks.

  • In Belgium, the EPL has a partnership with the Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen de la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
  • Within Europe, the EPL participates in the CLUSTER network, which provides quality training and accommodations for exchange students. Furthermore, the members of the CLUSTER network have signed an agreement that mutually recognises their Bachelor’s degree programmes. This agreement means that all the Bachelor degree holders in the CLUSTER network are automatically admitted to the Master’s degree programme in member institutions.
  • Outside of Europe, the EPL is a member of the Magalhäes network that brings together 15 European universities with the best scientific and technological universities in Latin America.

In addition to these networks and partnerships, the EPL has signed a certain number of individual agreements with different universities in Europe, North America and elsewhere in the world. The list of these agreements is available at UCL’s International Relations Administration website.

Joint degree programmes have also been put into place.
-Dual Masters degrees allow students to receive a diploma from two universities at the end of their two year Master’s degree programme (one year at UCL and the other at a host university).

Students are informed about the different exchange programmes in the second year of their Bachelor’s degree programme. They are encourage to prepare in advance, specifically their language skills through classes offered at the Institute for Living Languages (Institut des langues vivants) at UCL.

Beyond exchange programmes, students may intern in a research laboratory or a foreign company.

More information about mobility programmes (

Incoming students

Thanks to the CLUSTER network, foreign students have the same status as local UCL students. UCL favours students coming from institutions that participate in the Socrates exchange network.

Overall the Master’s degree programme is taught in English and does not require previous knowledge of French with the exception of the majors in biomedical engineering, management and small and medium sized business creation (CPME). Except for rare cases, all courses are taught in English. For non-francophone students, substitute courses may take the place of courses taught in French. These courses are suggested by the programme commission on a case by case basis and are based on the student’s course curriculum.

More information about mobility programmes (