Mobility and/or Internationalisation outlook

arke2m  2019-2020  Louvain-la-Neuve

If the Erasmus exchanges normally take place in the 3rd year of the bachelor, students on the master 120 can take 30 credits dans in other universities in Belgium or abroad, and/or carry out internships in Belgium or abroad (as part of the end of study dissertation and/or focus).

For example :
- Università degli studi di Messina;
- University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Iasi;
- Universidad de Valladolid;
- Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Numerous partnerships with the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters (FIAL): see (

Practical information for arriving FIAL students: (
For more information :

Practical information for departing FIAL students  : (
For more information :


Note :
Periods of study abroad for students pursuing a teaching focus must take place in the second term of the first block or the first term of the second block. All teaching focus classes must be taken at UCL, however.