Développement : croissance et globalisation/Development : Growth and Globalization (site UCL - FR/EN) [15.0]

econ2m1  2019-2020  Louvain-la-Neuve

This option aims at equipping students with the theoretical and empirical tools that are necessary to understand and discuss long-term growth and its determinants. The option provides an historical perspective of economic theories of development, and an analysis of macroeconomic issues that emerge in a context of increasingly globalized economies. Upon completion of this option, students will be able to critically mobilize economics of development /macroeconomics of development theories, as well as accounting and statistical tools currently used to analyse and discuss contemporary growth or development problems.

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3 parmi 4 :

Mandatory Contenu:
Optionnal LECON2312 Macroeconomics of the development   Frédéric Docquier
30h  5 credits 2q
Optionnal LECON2310 Topics in Economic Growth: Theory and Applications   Fabio Mariani
30h  5 credits 2q
Optionnal LECON2342 Development theories   30h  5 credits 2q
Optionnal LECON2823 Globalization and Macroeconomic Policies (UNamur)   30h  5 credits 2q