
etri2m  2019-2020  Louvain-la-Neuve

The evaluation methods comply with the regulations concerning studies and exams (https://uclouvain.be/fr/decouvrir/rgee.html). More detailed explanation of the modalities specific to each learning unit are available on their description sheets under the heading “Learning outcomes evaluation method”.

Depending on the activity, different forms of assessment are used. The assessment of work for courses will usually take the form of an examination (written or oral) and/or a piece of individual work. The assessment of participation in seminars will be on the production and oral presentation of an individual piece of work or one done by a group. Final dissertations are assessed by a board of examiners, on the basis of a written document and its oral  presentation , both at the intermediary and final stages.

To obtain a student’s average, the grades awarded for each course unit are weighted by their respective credits.