1st annual unit

> Légende
Mandatory Optional
Course not taught in 2020-2021 Periodic course not taught in 2020-2021
Periodic course taught in 2020-2021 Activity with prerequisites
Click on the course title to see detailed informations (objectives, teaching methods, evaluation...)
Mandatory Content:
Mandatory Formation pluridisciplinaire en sciences humaines
Mandatory LESPO1113 Sociology and Anthropology of the Contemporary Worlds   Joseph Amougou (compensates Matthieu de Nanteuil)
, Julien Charles (compensates Matthieu de Nanteuil)
, Jean De Munck
, Pieter Vanden Broeck (compensates Hugues Draelants)
40h  5 credits q1 or q2
Mandatory Cours au choix
1 parmi
Optional LESPO1114 Political Science   Pierre Baudewyns
, Min Reuchamps
30h  5 credits q1 or q2
Optional LCOPS1124 Philosophy   Sylvain Camilleri
, Nathalie Frogneux
30h  5 credits q2
Optional LCOPS1125 Psychology and Social Psychology   Coralie Buxant
, Olivier Corneille
, Matthias De Wilde
30h  5 credits q2
Mandatory LINGE1125 Study Skills Seminar in management   Stéphanie Coster
, Evelyne Léonard
30h+15h  5 credits q1+q2
Mandatory Economie
Mandatory LECGE1115 Political Economics   Rigas Oikonomou
, Gonzague Vannoorenberghe
45h+15h  5 credits q1
Mandatory Gestion
Mandatory LECGE1113 Accounting I   Géraldine Danaux (compensates Karine Cerrada Cristia)
, Yves De Rongé
, Michel De Wolf
45h+15h  5 credits q1
Mandatory Méthodes quantitatives
Mandatory LINGE1113 Probability   Aurélie Bertrand (compensates Johan Segers)
30h+15h  4 credits q2
Mandatory LINGE1114 Mathematics I: analysis   Heiner Olbermann
30h+30h  5 credits q1
Mandatory LINGE1121 Mathematics II: algebra and matrix calculus   Tom Claeys
30h+30h  5 credits q2
Mandatory Sciences et technologie
Mandatory LINGE1122 Physics 1   Giacomo Bruno
40h+20h  5 credits q2
Mandatory LINGE1115 Chemistry (Part 1)   Yaroslav Filinchuk
50h+10h  5 credits q1
Mandatory Droit
Mandatory LESPO1122 Foundations of Law   Pierre Bazier
, Nicolas Bonbled
, Arnaud Hoc
, Thibaut Slingeneijer de Goeswin
40h  5 credits q1 or q2
Mandatory Langues
Mandatory LANGL1330 English intermediate level - 1st part   Stéphanie Brabant
, Estelle Dagneaux
, Aurélie Deneumoustier
, Fanny Desterbecq
, Marie Duelz
, Amandine Dumont
, Jérémie Dupal (compensates Anne-Julie Toubeau)
, Carlo Lefevre
, Sandrine Mulkers (coord.)
, Marc Piwnik (coord.)
, Nevin Serbest
, Françoise Stas
20h  3 credits q1 or q2
Mandatory Deuxième langue étrangère
L'étudiant choisit et garde la même langue tout au long de son programme de bachelier
Optional LALLE1230 Deutsch Mittelstufe I   Caroline Klein
, Ann Rinder (coord.)
30h  3 credits q2
Optional LESPA1230 General Spanish for Economics (1st part)   Begona Garcia Migura
, Juan Landa Diestro
, Osvaldo Serey Mendoza (coord.)
, Alicia Maria Tirado Fernandez (compensates Carmen Vallejo Villamor)
30h  3 credits q2
Optional LNEER1230 General Dutch - Intermediate level - part 1   Sarah Barroo
, Hilde Bosmans
, Valérie Dachy (coord.)
, Katrien De Rycke
, Isabelle Demeulenaere
, Dag Houdmont
, Caroline Klein
, Kathleen Rymen (compensates Marie-Laurence Lambrecht)
, Lutgarde Schrijvers
, Marie-Paule Vanelderen
, Marianne Verhaert
15h  3 credits q2