Programme structure

The Master of Multilingual Business Communication (MULT) offers:

  • Intensive study of two major languages (Dutch, English, French, or German);
  • A range of business courses which provide insight into the working world (economics, communication, management, ...);
  • A full-time, three-month internship in a company where one of the two major languages chosen is spoken;
  • Optional study of a third language (at introductory, intermediate or advanced level): Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish).

The programme consists of:

  • a core curriculum (75 credits), comprising:
    - 18 language course credits (9 credits per language studied);
    - 15 general course credits (at least one economics course and one communications course);
    - 20 company internship credits (three months minimum - in one of the two major languages);
    - 20 dissertation credits and 2 dissertation seminar credits;
  • the Professional Focus (specialization) in Languages for Business Communication (15 credits per language studied); 
  • and an option or optional course (15 credits).

Structure of the double degree programme with the University of Ottawa (for selected UCLouvain students).

For a programme-type, and regardless of the focus, options/or elective courses selected, this master will carry a minimum of 120 credits divided over two annual units, corresponding to 60 credits each.

> Core courses
> Liste au choix de finalités MULT2M
> Professional Focus : Languages for Business Communication
> List of electives
> Option in Employment studies
> Option in Communication
> Option in Political Science
> Option in Economics
> Option in Management
> Option in 'Bedrijfscommunicatie'
> Option in Spanish for Business Communication
> Option in Digital Culture and Ethics
> Interdisciplinary Program in Entrepreneurship
> Optional courses
> Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
> Additional courses (preparatory module) to the Master [120] in Multilingual Communication